Chapter 48

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Tony's pov

We were quiet since none knew what to say after seeing the video. However, I knew that Steve must be a little mad at me since I never removed the camera from his room. I wanted to find a reason for this to happen, but I had none. This was something I didn't know anything about.

There was quiet until we heard a voice we had hoped to hear for so long but never thought we would hear again.

"Just fucking wake up!" We were all shocked since she should be in a coma. Her eyes began blinking. "Y/n?" I said, surprised, and I saw a smile form on her lips.

Y/n's pov

I slowly opened my eyes and saw all the Avengers standing around me. "Am I in heaven?" I asked them with a small voice. They all began laughing. "No, you are alive," my brother said. I saw tears coming from everyone's eyes. Then, they all started asking me how I was feeling. It was sweet but a little overwhelming. "Guys, I'm just feeling tired and a little overwhelmed." They all kept quiet which wasn't what I meant by being overwhelmed.

"I'm sorry," I told them. I wanted them to know that I was regretting what I did. "I heard what all of you guys said to me while I was in a coma." I only said that, so they wouldn't tell me twice. "Could I talk with you alone?" Nat asked me, and I nodded. Everyone left the room except for Nat and me. "So, I guess you heard me beg," she said, and I couldn't stop laughing. "Yeah, and I forgive you." She walked closer to me and helped me sit up in the medical bed before hugging me.

"You made me a mess when you were gone." But, of course, she didn't have to tell me that. "I know; I heard you when you spoke to me." A single tear fell down her cheek. "Are you staying with us?" As if I was going anywhere. "I'm thinking about staying if you are okay with it." She hit me playfully on my shoulder. We then began laughing as if nothing had changed between us. "Thank you for talking with me all this time."

She walked out of the room, so a new could go in and talk with me. "It's your favorite person," I heard Tony say when he walked in. "Omg, is Scarlett Johansson here?" I said right before I began laughing. "Ha, ha, how funny you are." I started laughing even more. "Oh, it's you," I said while laughing. He walked closer to me and sat on the chair beside the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired but happy." I was happy to be back to them. They were my family, and I had missed seeing their faces. Yes, even Tony. "So, family. Huh," I said since none of us said anything, and I hate awkward silence. "Yeah, I'm sorry for not being there for you." I could hear that he was on the edge of crying, but of course, he didn't want to show that.

"I'm sorry for trying to kill myself."

"It wasn't your fault," he assured me. How nice. But it was my fault. I could have let them help me instead of doing the most stupid thing and trying to die. "H-How is Steve." I only knew how he was from what he told me and the dream he had. But I wanted to know how he was after I woke up.

"He is scared of hurting you." Why would he be scared of hurting me? It wasn't his fault. He did nothing wrong. "Does he want to talk with me?" I asked my bother. Wow, it is weird to call him that. I knew that I had hurt him, so that's why I didn't know if he still wanted to talk with me. "I think he does." Once again, there was an awkward silence between us. Is this how it is going to be from now on?

"I'm glad that I can call you family." He looked at me with happiness in his eyes. I took his hand in mine. "It goes both ways." He smiled at me while tightening his grip on my hand. "I will try and get Steve in here." He stopped holding my hand and left the room.

I was nervous about meeting Steve since I didn't know how he would be feeling about me. I remember the dream, but did he? He was so happy to see me, but was that real? I hoped with my heart that he still wanted to see me even though I chose to let Fury kill me. But then, I heard someone knock on the door, so I looked at it with the hope that it would be Steve, but it wasn't.

"Hi, N/n."

"Hi, Bucky." He didn't want to see me. Why would he? I left him. He has all the right not wanting to see me. I fucked up. "He's not coming, right?" I saw Bucky's smile fate. "I'm sorry, Y/n. We tried, but-" I cut him off. "It's okay. I left him."

He sat beside me on the bed, which meant that I needed to move so he could sit there. "He's scared of losing you again." Of course, I didn't want him to be scared of losing me, but it made sense. I have left him so much that I get why he is scared. "I just want to say I'm sorry." I removed a tear from my eye.

"I can talk with him if you-" I once again cut him off. "If he doesn't want to see me, then I won't force him." I saw that he looked a little sad about what I said, but it was the truth. Yes, I wanted him to be here, but if he didn't want to see me, then I wouldn't force him.

"So, how does it feel having a brother?" He asked me with a smirk on his stupid face. "Weird, but I like it." We began laughing and talking, which was nice. I felt happy again. Being back in this tower with them showed me how much I regretted leaving them.

They are all my family, but hearing that Steve didn't want to see me hurt more than it should.

My heart hurt like that because I never stopped loving him even though I wasn't in the right state of mind. My heart will always want Steve. I will always love him. He makes me feel better and makes me happy. I just hope that he will give his love to another girl and make her feel special too. 

I want him to be happy.


A/N - The authors note

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I hope you guys like this chapter.

1133 words.

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