Chapter 17

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"S-Steve, we n-need to go to Tony's party."

"I know, but I want you alone later." I got goosebumps by his command. I looked at the time and saw that we would be late if we didn't walk out of my room. "Okay, but we have to go now," I told him with a firm voice. He nodded and took my hand in his. I hold his hand tight as if I was going to lose him. 

When we came out of the elevator, I saw that everyone was looking at us. It felt weird. I looked at Steve, nervous, and he took me into a tight hug and kissed my forehead. "It is okay," he told me. I nodded, and we walked over to the others. The closer we got to the others, the more I could hear Clint talking about how Thor's hammer is a trick. "Then try to lift it," I said when we were close enough. 

"You look beautiful, Y/N. Doesn't she, Steve?" "Yes, she does, Wanda," Steve told her without taking his eyes away from me. 

I ended up talking with the girls, and Steve ended up talking with the boys. I loved talking with my girls because I knew that they would always be there for me, and they knew that I would always be there for them. I didn't see them only as friends. I saw them as the family I never got because I could count on them to be by my side when things would go downhill, and I would be on their side.

After talking with my girls for a long time, I began feeling a pair of hands on my hips. I looked back and saw that it was Steve. I leaned backward, so my back was against his chest. "So, what are you girls talking about?" I told him that we were talking about girl stuff. "Y/N, don't forget, we were also talking about what you have under your dress," Nat said. I began feeling my cheeks burn. 

God, why did she had to say that?

I was so embarrassed that I kept looking down at the floor. "Well, I cant wait to see that," Steve whispered into my ear. My face was now as red as a firetruck. Like why did they keep doing this to me? "I-I think I need a drink," I told them before taking Steve's hand in mine and walk over towards the bar. I once again hold Steve's hand tight. I heard them laugh when I laugh. God, I felt so embarrassed. 

"One whisky, please," I asked the bartender. I looked over at Steve, and he gave me a weird look. "W-What?" I asked him, curious.  "You are really going to order that? You know what happened last time," he answered, which made me laugh a little. "Yeah, I remember, and I liked how it ended." I winked at him. 

The rest of the evening went on with dancing, drinking, and talking with my friends. After some time, I began feeling really hot and wanted to get some air, but I wanted to tell Steve about it before that. So, he knew where I would be. After a while, I found him talking with some other people I didn't know, and I didn't care about that. "Hey, Steve?" "What is it, baby?" I felt my legs turn into mush when he called me that, but I needed to hold myself together so that I could get some fresh air. 

"I wanna tell you that I will go outside for 30 minutes to get some fresh air. I am telling you this so you know where I am." I could see on his face that he didn't want me to go outside alone in the middle of the night, but he knew that if he said I couldn't go alone, then I would do it anyway. "Okay, baby, but be careful. Okay?" I nodded and kissed his cheek before leaving him with the people he talked with before I came over to him. 

I walked into the elevator and took it to the lobby, where I walked outside and stood in front of the main door. It was refreshing. I never knew how good cold air could feel before now. 

After standing outside for what felt like an eternity, I wanted to go back inside, but I got stopped. "Are you Y/N?" Someone in a black hoodie asked me. "Yeah, why?" I answered without knowing who it was. "Good, I have been looking for you." 

Steve's POV

It has been two hours since Y/N left to go outside, and I hadn't seen her since. I began feeling concerned, so I chose to ask the team if they had seen her. 

I had asked everyone except Nat. They had all said that the last time they saw her was when she talked with me, which made me a little concerned. I finally found Nat and walked over to her. "Hey, Nat. Have you seen Y/N?" I asked her. "No, not since she talked with you. Why do you ask?" 

Why was there no one who had seen her?

I told her that she was supposed to have been back at least one and a half hours ago, but she never did. "Maybe she just needed some extra time... oh wait, there she is," Nat said while pointing at the elevator. I could feel my chest get lighter. I was relieved that nothing had happened to her. "Hey N/N, come here!" Nat yelled, and then Y/N began walking toward us. 

"Hey Nat and Steve," she said without even looking at me. "We thought that you only wanted to be outside for 30 minutes. What happened?" Nat asked her before I got the change. "Well, I just needed much longer time outside to cool down." I was glad that that was the only thing that happened. I looked at her dress which had dirt on it. "Why is there dirt on your dress?" I asked her with a worried voice. "I just fell when I was about to walk inside, no worries," she said while laughing awkwardly. 

"But, I'm actually really tired right now, so I think I will go to bed. It was a great party." Y/N told us. "I will come with you." "No thanks. I wanna be alone," She told us before she left Nat and me alone. 

What just happened? Was she embarrassed about the fall?

I looked at Nat, who was just as shocked over Y/N's sentence as I was. She then looked at me and gave me a mad facial expression. "What did you do?" She said very loud, almost shouting at me. "Nothing, I promise you. I'm just as shocked as you are right now." Her facial expression then changed to a concerned one just like mine. "I think I will go to bed too. See you tomorrow," I said before hugging her goodbye and leaving the party. 


A/N - The authors note

Please vote on my chapters :)

I loved writing this chapter, and I have already written the next five chapters. :)

1169 words. 

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