Chapter 20

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Steve's POV

It has been three months since Y/N got kidnapped. We have tried almost everything without any luck. The mission we had been on was to find Y/N but without any luck. We had found a lot of Hydra headquarters, but she wasn't in any of them. I would have been a mess if Bucky and Nat hadn't kept telling me that we would find her and that she is okay. But there was still a part of me that thought that she wasn't okay.

If I had just walked with her outside, I could have had three perfect months. Instead, I got the worse three months I could ever think of. "Steve, you need to sleep, it is literally three in the morning, and you are training. That is not healthy." "I know, Bucky, I know. I just miss her so much," I answered him back. 

"Steve, we know you miss her. We all do, but we are trying our best, so please go back to sleep," Bucky said while stopping me from punching the punching bag. "Okay," I said before heading towards my room, so I could try to sleep.

When I walked inside my room, I walked straight over to my bed and sat on it with my face in my hands. I couldn't stop thinking about what she was going through. I sat like that for a while before lying down and thinking about the same thing. 

Baby, please be okay.


*12 am*

"Assassin, you know your mission?"

"Yes, kill the Avengers, except for two," I told him. 

"And you remember what to do if anything goes wrong?"

"Yes, sir," I told him before getting on my motorcycle.

I drove for almost 3 hours before arriving at the Avenger tower. I took my computer out of my bag so that I could hack the security system. I knew that Stark was smart, so I had to be smarter. I also knew that his security system would detect a virus before it had begun working, so I needed to turn it off for a least an hour for my plan to work.

After a while, I finally got into the security systems mainframe and disabled it for two hours. I put my computer back in my bag and walked into the building. I placed my bag on the floor and headed over to the stairs so that I wouldn't wake them up, but if they woke up, I had a plan to fight them because I knew their weaknesses. I don't know how I knew their weaknesses, but apparently, I did.

When I had walked up to the floor they were on, I opened the door but closed it fast again when I heard someone talk. 

Fuck! this just made it all worse.

I heard the voices disappear, so I opened the door once again. I looked around and saw that no one was around. I walked past a room I remembered too well, and it made me feel sick. I walked away from the door and headed to the person I wanted to kill first. 

I opened the door and saw him lying on the bed with his hands on his face. The room was big. Like there could have been four more king-size beds in here. Just as I closed the door, he removed his hands from his face and look surprised. "Y/N?" He asked.

"Who the hell is, Y/N?" I asked him back. 

I could see the worry in his face when I took one of my knives out of my belt. "Goodbye, Captain," I said before throwing the knife at him. Unfortunately, he rolled off his bed, so I missed him. "Fuck," I said because I thought it would be much easier. 

"Language." "Shut up, old man," I told him before throwing another knife. I missed again. He found his shield, and we then began to fight a hand-to-hand fight. "Tony!" He yelled before hitting me with his shield. I landed on the ground but got up quickly and took some more knives from my belt. 

After a while of fighting, I finally got an opening. 

He threw his shield at me once more, but this time, I caught it with my left hand while having a knife in my right hand. 

"I guess you didn't see that coming," I told him with a smirk on my face before throwing my knife at his stomach. Lucky for me, I finally hit him. I took another knife, threw it at his stomach, and hit him again because he was caught off guard again. 

He was now lying on the floor, holding both of his hands around the knives. I walked over to him and got down on my knees. I looked him in his eyes and saw the fear and pain he felt, but I didn't care. He had it coming for what he did to me. "And by the way, I'm black mamba, just so you know who killed you," I said before I found another knife. 

I was about to put it in his chest when I felt something electrocuting me. I looked back and saw Stark standing in some of his suits. I tried to get up, but my body wouldn't let me. I then felt my head hit the floor before everything went black. 

Steve's POV

I saw her lying unconscious on the floor. I felt so bad for fighting her. "Are you okay, Steve?" Tony asked me when he ran over to me. "Yeah, I just need to walk it off," I told him. I tried to get up by myself but I couldn't. 

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., wake the rest of the team up," Tony said, but the AI didn't answer. "I think she hacked it. Otherwise, we would have heard her come into the tower," I told Tony. He then took his phone up from his pocket and began typing. 

"Done," Tony said. I looked weird at tony while I was in pain.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., wake the rest of the team up, and say that it is an emergency." Not long after he had told F.R.I.D.A.Y. to wake them up, they came running into my room. "Oh god, what happened?" Nat asked when she saw me lying on the floor with two knives in my stomach. "We need to get Steve to the medical wing, and our little friend here to a cell," Tony informs Nat and the others while pointing at Y/N. 

"Wait, is that Y/N?" Wanda asked us. "Yes, but we need to get moving before she wakes up," Tony once again informed us. 

They quickly helped me up and moved me to the medical wing, where they put me on the bed. Y/N was taken to a cell, so we could find out what happened to her. 

~~~~~~~~ A nine-hour time skip ~~~~~~~~

I had had my surgery and was lying in bed waiting for Bruce to tell me that I could get away from the bed and over to see Y/N in the cell. I wanted to know what happened to her and why she attacked me. 

"Good, morning Steve. How are you feeling?" Bruce asked me while checking on my wounds. I told him that I was feeling great, which I was. "Well, from what I can see on your vitals, then there would be no problems for you to get out of the bed, but take it easy," Bruce told me. It made me glad. 


A/N - The authors note

Please vote on my chapters :)

did you get all the references? there are 5 in total, and one of them is something a person does, not something anyone says. :)

1253 words. 

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