Chapter 40

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"Y/n, you need to train your balance when you fight," Alex told me with a smirk on his face. "No, I do- ouch." He made me lose my balance, and I fell on the mat. "That hurt," I said while he helped me up. "I'm sorry, baby." He kissed my temple. "If you wanna kiss the pain away, then kiss my back." I began laughing but quickly stopped when it started to hurt.

"Shit, I did hurt you. I'm so sorry." But, of course, I didn't care about the apology since I knew he would never hurt me on purpose. "We were training, so it's okay," I assured him. He helped me over to the bench. 

"I'm sorry," he said with the caring voice I heard the night I dropped the glass on the floor. I would lie if I said that I hadn't missed it. I loved hearing his voice. It was music to my ears. He looked down while waiting on my answer. "It is okay. I should have said that I was getting tired." His head flew up when I told him that it was okay. I could see he was surprised by my answer.

"No, it is not." I never thought of Steve as one who would ever apologize to me, but he actually did. I began to sit up because I was tired of lying down. Once again, he switched between looking at me and the floor. I felt awkward because none of us said anything. After some time, I got bored of sitting in this hospital bed, so I chose to stand up.

"Here, let me help." He took my shirt off, so I had only my shorts and training bra on. Then, he began massaging my back to make the pain go away. A moan slipped out of my mouth when he began kissing my shoulder while massaging my back. "You like that, princess?" I nodded. He began sucking on my sweet spot, which made me moan a lot more. "Alex, not here," I say. "Why not?" I felt his lips disappearing from my neck. I was not too fond of that feeling. "People can see us."

"You weren't afraid of doing it on the dinner table this morning," he whispered into my ear, which made me blush. "Come on, just a quick one," he said, but we both knew that it wouldn't be quick. His hand moved down, so it was on my inner thigh. "Fuck it," I say before I turn around and kiss him on the lips. He moved me, so I was straddling him.

I could feel how hard he got from every kiss. I moaned into the kiss when he squeezed my ass. "Boss, we got a pro- fuck," a person said. "Yeah, we were about to," Alex said, which made me blush. "What is it?" He asked with an angry tone. I understood why. "Every single shield agent is after Y/n." I felt Alex's grip around me tighten. "What do they want?" I asked Alex.

"I don't know, baby, but I am gonna find out," he said before kissing me on my temple. "Answer her!" Alex demanded the man who walked in on us. "They want to put her in the raft and let her rot up there." I felt a lump in my throat when he said the raft. "I'm not letting them take you away." I had never thought that S.H.I.E.L.D. would be so mad that they would put me in the raft, but I guess I was wrong.

"When are they coming?" Alex asked him. "They are on their way." I hold tighter on Alex. I didn't want to be away from him. "Baby, we need to go now," he said while caressing my cheek. I nodded in response. "Don't cry, baby. I won't let them take you," he said while removing a tear that had fallen from my left eye.

"How do you know that they are on their way?" He asked the guy. "We got an anonymous text." I was surprised that someone had done that. My man nodded and then looked at me. "Where are we going?" I asked Alex. I hoped it was still close to New York since I loved this city. "To another base not long from here." A smile grew on my face.

I was happy that we weren't going too far away. "Can we go now?" I asked him, and he nodded. Then, he leaned in and whispered in my ear, "then we can finish in the new base." I blushed. I got up from his lap, and we walked over to my bedroom. 

I didn't have many things. Like all my stuff could be in one cardboard box. It was a little sad, but I didn't need much. I began feeling dizzy again when I took the box up in my arms. I sat the box down and walked over to the bed, where I sat down. "What's wrong?" I looked over at the door and saw Alex. "I don't feel so good." I tried to stand up, but I quickly sat down again because I felt like I would pass out. 

"Come, let me help you." So he helped me up, but then my head began to hurt. "Alex, my head hurt," I said right before I passed out. 

~~~~~~~~ Six hours later ~~~~~~~~

I woke up alone in a medical room. I didn't know where I was or what had happened to me. I then began hearing a voice when the door started to open, so I closed my eyes. "Yes, she is still sleeping." It was Alex. "I don't know. It is you who made it, so you should know if it wasn't working." He sounded mad, so I just kept my eyes shut. "I don't fucking care, just fix he-" I opened my eyes, and he stopped talking. "I will call you back." He sat down on the chair beside me. "How are you feeling," he sounded so concerned. "Better, I think."I didn't really know how I should feel. 

"The doctor said that I need to keep a close eye on you. So you are going to sleep in my room from now on." I smiled when he said I needed to sleep with him. "Can we sleep?" I asked him. I didn't understand why I was tired. "Come," was the only thing he said. He helped me up, and we left the room. 

I couldn't stop thinking about what he said to the person on the phone. Was he talking about me? He had to be. I didn't understand what needed to be fixed about me, but I hoped it wasn't something important. I thought he liked all of me. "Baby?" he said while stroking my back. I looked up at him. "Yes." I wanted to say daddy, but I stopped myself. "I know you have wanted to talk with the little girl, so we can go and do that tomorrow," he said, and it made me so happy. I finally could get to see her. 

"Thank you, Alex. You are the best," I said before closing my eyes and going to sleep. 


A/N - The authors note

Please vote on my chapters :)

I hope you all like the way the story is going.

1203 words.

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