Chapter 37

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Three weeks later

I had been with them for three weeks, and it hadn't been that bad. I thought that they were going to beat me or torture me, but nothing. Instead, they talked with me, helped me train, and they were fucking nice to me.

I missed Steve with all my heart. I know it was selfish to leave him, but I couldn't stay there knowing they had lied to me. Okay, it was only Fury and Nat, but still. I just hoped that they would understand why I did it.

Hydra or Red Hydra didn't completely trust me, but they did charge me with many things. Like they had given me a bedroom. It was fucking pretty. I felt like a princess. The bed was fucking soft. I actually think it was better than the one in the Avengers tower.

Even though Nat had lied to me, I still missed her with all my heart. She was the sister I never had. Like literally. Well, I apparently did have a brother. A shitty one, but I guess if he had remembered me, then he would have been nicer to me. Or something.

I did know I had those magic powers before I used them on the Avengers. It was awesome. Like they didn't stand a fucking chance. I guess it was these powers Res Hydra had kept talking about and tried to activate them. They probably didn't think that hate could help me. Or did they? But hey, I finally activated them, and it was pretty dope. 

I had only trusted a few people before, but now it was down to one person. I wouldn't have been this mad if they had told me sooner or just told me, but instead, I had to find out by myself. I hadn't seen the little girl since I joined. Every time I asked the guards about her, they ignored me. I didn't like that. 

I had learned many new names, like the man who told me to choose a side. His name was Alex. I couldn't think or say the name without laughing a little. "Come in," Alex said. I opened the door, and he sat behind his desk. "Ah, miss Y/n, what can I do for you today?" he asked me while I walked closer to him. "I just wanted to know how my training is going," I said with a smirk on my face. 

He stood up and walked over to me, so he was standing in front of me. "Do you want me to show you?" He asked while taking a step closer to me. "Yes, sir." His lips crashed onto mine. Our lips moved in sync. Okay, so maybe I didn't miss Steve that much. He slapped my ass, and a moan escaped from my lips. "How I love that sound." We pulled away from each other. 

"You are like a rose," he said while tugging some of my hair behind my ear. "How so?" I knew why; I just wanted him to say it. "Beautiful, but dangerous to touch," I blushed by his words. "Alex, I have waited for one week now. Can't we go on a date soon?" I asked him since he promised me one a week ago. "Soon, baby girl, very soon." He kissed my temple.

"I need to do something first so that we can be in peace," he whispered into my ear. "I wanna help," I told him while holding his hand in mine. "Then it's good that I only have one thing to do left to keep us save." He walked away from me and over to the other side of his desk. He opened the draw and bulled a glass filled with something I couldn't see what was out. 

"This is to keep us safe," he said while giving me the glass. "I took all mine earlier. You have to swallow them all, so our enemies can't find us." He gave me a lot of water. I looked at him and then at the glass filled with what looked like nanotech. "Please for us." I nodded and began to swallow them all. It felt weird. 

I could finally be in peace. "All done, sir." I had a big smile on my face. "My good girl," he said while caressing my cheek. I leaned into his touch. "Does this mean we can go on our date soon?" He looked at me with love in his eyes. "Yes, baby girl. What about tomorrow?" He said. My smile became even more extensive. "I would like that."

I was so glad that I was finally going on a date with him. He had made me smile every day. "Alex?" I asked him while looking at my hands. "Yes, baby." He made me look at him. "What are we?" I asked him since we hadn't talked about that yet. "You're my girl." "I'm your girl?" He nodded. 

I went back to my room after we had talked for a while. I liked him a lot; I just hoped he liked me just as much. I took one of the books he had given me and began reading it. Again. I opened the book and kept looking at what he had written at the start. 

'Read it from start to end as many times you need and then tell me what we need to do.'

I had only read it one time, and it was a very detailed book. Even though I thought it was funny that his name was Alex, it also matched him. I liked his name and him. He made me feel sane when I was about to lose my mind. He helped me choose the right way, not by force but by helping me back on the right road. He even let me laugh at his name when others would get hit if they laughed at his name. Of course, not many did, but that wasn't the point. The point was that he cared about me, and I care about him. 

Right now, he is my reason to keep fighting for what I want. He told me that he would help me find out more about myself, and he did. I learned so much more with his help. He was the only one I trusted. I just hoped he trusted me too. 


A/N - The authors note

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What about Steve?

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