Chapter 29

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TW: Mention of rape, Smut! 

Y/n's Pov

I woke up and felt Steve holding me tight. I remembered my nightmare, and I just wanted to forget all of it, but it kept going in my head. 

How they touch me every day. 

How they would hit, kick or do something third if I didn't satisfy them enough. 

How their dick would be deep down in my throat for more than I could take, so I sometimes passed out from lack of oxygen. 

How they made other guys hold me down while one person would be inside me.

How they would use some drugs, so I couldn't move or fight back. 

I felt my eyes getting watery again, so I moved my arm to remove the tears. "Hey princess," I heard Steve say with a morning voice. It made me smile. "Hey, fossil," I said back. I could hear and feel him laughing at what I called him. 

"How are you feeling?" I didn't know if I was going to tell him the truth or lie to him. on the one hand, I really want to tell him, but on the other hand, I don't want to be a burden. "The truth or the lie?" I asked him so that he could choose. "Baby, I want the truth," he told me while stroking my back. 

I took a deep breath. "Not good. Well, I feel a little better after you calmed me down." I looked up at his face to see what his facial expression was. He was smiling, but there was still some sadness in his eyes. "Thank you," I said to him before kissing him on the lips. "Your quite welcome, darling," he said with a smirk on his lips. 

I began feeling empty in my stomach. Soon after, it began growling. "Is my princess hungry?" He asked me with a flirting voice. I sat up and straddled his lap, but before I sat down, he moved, so he was sitting up in the bed. "Yeah. Would you please get me some?" I flirted back. I could see his eyes darken.

His hands moved, so they were sitting on my hips. Then, he moved me closer, which I wasn't prepared for. His grip got tighter. I took a deep breath, not knowing that I had hold my breath in. "What would you like?" "St-Strawberries," I stuttered cause of all the sexual tension in the room. "Do I make you nervous?" I could see that he knew the answer but just wanted to tease me. 

"What n-no... Is it warm in here?" I asked while looking around. I couldn't look him in his eyes cause then he would have known how horny he had made me. He moved one of his hands up to my chin and moved my head, so I was looking at him. 

My breathing became heavier than it already was. "Do I make you horny, baby?" I nodded. I had no words left. "Baby, I need words," he said with a demanding but sexy voice. His eyes were much darker than before. "Y-Yes," I told him. 

His hand that was on my chin moved to my inner thigh. "shh, baby. It's okay," he told me cause apparently, I was nervous. But wouldn't everyone be that if their boyfriend was that sexy? His hand moved up to my belly before going into my panties. His finger began making small circles on my clit. 

I began to lean forward by his touch. I never thought that I would love someone's touch like his. His fingers then moved down to my pussy lips. I looked at his lips and saw that he had a mischievous smile on. I then felt two of his fingers going inside of me. "Steve," I breathed out. He then used one of his other fingers to make circles on my clit. 

God, he really has magic hands.

He began pumping his fingers in and out fast while making faster circles on my clit. "God, Steve," I moaned out. "How I love the way you say my name like that." I would kill Nat this time if she came through that door and was cock blocking me again. The speed became faster. "Please, Steve." I didn't know if I was asking him to fuck me or asking him to go faster, but he did listen. he picked the speed up again, and I became a moaning mess. 

"Steve, I'm gonna..." "Good," was the last thing he said before the feeling of his fingers inside of me disappeared. He removed his hand from my panties and moved me to the side. I was so confused at this point. "Wh-What?" I asked while looking like a lost puppy. "You were hungry. So, I'm gonna get the strawberries," he said before sucking on his fingers. 

At this point, I knew that he was teasing me, but two people can play that game. "Come back fast," I told him while winking at him. "Don't move," he demanded before he kissed my forehead and stood up from the bed. Then, he opened the door and walked out of it. I usually don't listen when some of the boys are demanding, but apparently, my heart didn't listen to my brain. If it had been any of the other boys, then I would have kicked their asses. 

The smile on my face was so big. I was happier than I had been in a very long time. But, I couldn't stop thinking about his touch. I knew that I was going to get back at him, but I had to time it right. So, I had no idea about when I would do it. I only knew that it would be worse than his. 

I just sat on the bed, processing what had just happened. Then, I remembered that I didn't have anything to cover my legs with. So I stood up from the bed, and walked over to my wardrobe, and found one of the shorts I sometimes sleep in. Right after I had put them on, my door opened and gave me a little shock. "Hi, Steve," I said while walking back to the bed, where I sat before. 

Steve followed me over to the bed and sat in front of me. He sat the strawberries beside him. When I tried to get one, he moved it. He took one up in his hand and said, "Baby, open up." I was a little shocked but did as he asked me to. Right, when I had opened my mouth, he took it and placed it on my tongue so that I could eat it. "Good girl." I almost choked on the strawberry by his use of words. 

"What?" I asked him. But it wasn't because I didn't like it. Trust me. I loved it. "You heard me," he said while picking another strawberry up in his hand. I could see that he was waiting for me to do as he had asked, so I did it. "Why do you wanna feed me?" I asked him, not knowing why. "Cause you are my princess, and you deserve to be treated like one." I blushed at his sentences. 


A/N - The authors note

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I don't know how to process this chapter. Hahaha.

1200 words.

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