Chapter 18

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When I walked past Y/n's door, I stopped and knock because I wanted to see if she was okay. "Y/n, are you in here?" I asked while opening the door. "Yes, I am," she answered back, but she didn't sound happy that it was me who came in. She sounded more annoyed. "Are you okay?" I asked her because I was concerned. "I am fine, so please leave." I could hear the anger in her voice when she told me to leave, so I chose to stay. I knew that it probably wasn't the best idea to stay, but I wanted to make sure that my girl was okay.

"What do you want?" she asked me with more anger than before. "To know what is wrong with you," I told her when I was standing beside her bed where she was sitting. "There is nothing wrong, so just leave," but I didn't listen to her. "No, I won't," I stated. I didn't want to leave my girlfriend if she was mad or sad. "For god sake, Steve, leave me the hell alone!" She yelled at me.  

I felt weird because she had never yelled at me like this before. Without saying another word, I left her in the room alone and walked to my room. I sat down In my bed and began thinking about what I could have done wrong. 

Does she still hate me for what I had done to her?

After a while of thinking, I chose to go to bed and sleep. 

~~~~~~~~ Timeskip to 10 am ~~~~~~~~

I woke up at ten in the morning and chose to go to the kitchen and get something to eat. When I came into the kitchen, I saw the whole team sitting and eating, except for Y/N, who wasn't in the room. "Hey guys," I said to them. They then all turned their heads towards me and said, 'hey,' back. 

I walked over and got myself a banana that I could eat. I took the banana in my hand and walked over to the others to sit and talk with them. I didn't really listen to their conversation because I kept thinking about why Y/N was mad at me. I then heard someone walking into the kitchen, so I turned my head and saw that it was Y/N who was walking into the room. "Hey, Y/N," I said, but she didn't answer. What she did was taking some water and leaving the room again. 

I then turned my head back to the table and saw that everyone was looking weird at me. "What?" I asked them. "What just happened between you two?" Tony asked. " I don't know. She had been really weird since the party yesterday," I told them. "Did you do something?" Wanda asked, concerned, but I shooked my head no. First Nat and know Wanda, why do they think I did something. "I actually don't know. I tried talking to her before I walked to my room last night, but she just yelled at me and said that I should leave her alone," I told them. I didn't want to tell them that she cursed at me because they didn't need to hear that. 

I couldn't look them in the eyes because I still thought that it was my fault. "Steve, it is not your fault. We will find out, or rather the girls will." I was glad that my best friend tried to cheer me up, but it didn't work that well. 

Wanda's POV - You didn't see that coming.

After eating our food and talking about her Y/n's behavior last night, Nat and I walked up to find our friend. "What do you think that is wrong with her?" I asked Nat. I was apprehensive about her because of how Steve described her last night. Because she would never talk to Steve lake that no matter how mad she was, so there must be something totally wrong. "I don't know, and we are gonna found out why." We kept on talking about her behavior last night and what could have happened to make her lash out. 

"Are you sure we should talk to her?" "Wanda, I am sure, but we need to be prepared for a mad Y/n," Nat told me when we were in front of Y/N's door. "Knock-knock," Nat said before opening the door. I have never known why she said it instead of doing it, but it was kind of funny. "Hey girls, what up?" Y/N said, smiling at us. Nat and I looked at each other, confused over why she was all happy right now and not mad or sad. "What happened between you and Steve last night and today?" Nat asked her. I wanted to go into her mind and figure out why but I knew that Y/N would kill me if I did that again. 

"What do you mean?" She asked while tilting her head to the left. "You lashed out on him last night," I told her. I looked over at Nat, who looked like someone trying to figure out what was going on. "He was irritating me. So, I was acting normal, is there a problem with that?" "No, there is not," Nat told her before taking my arm and dragging me out of the room. 

When we were out of the room and on our way to the living room to find the other, I asked Nat why she dragged me out of the room. "I will tell you when I tell the others," she said while walking faster. 

When we finally came to the living room, we were lucky to see that the others were in here. "Guys, we have something to tell you," Nat said. I didn't know why she said 'we' when she wanted to say something. "What is it?" Tony asked us. I told them that I didn't know what it was but that Nat knew. We were all now looking at Nat to get the answer.

"I don't think that is Y/N or rather our Y/N..." Nat started by saying. We were all giving Nat a weird look because we didn't know what she meant. "So, maybe it is her, and she got a concussion when she felt last night, and that could be the reason for her behavior towards Steve, or something happened when she was outside last night..." She stopped talking and looked at us. "Why do you think that the Y/N up there isn't our Y/N?" Bruce asked her. 

"For the first when Wanda and I were up in her room to talk to her, she was all happy, nothing too suspicious there. Second, when we asked her what happened between her and Steve last night, she said that she was acting normal. And from what you told us, Steve, and from my knowledge, she doesn't lash out that way on anybody, no matter how mad she is" She stopped talking again to see if someone else had an idea of what is going on.  

Just as I was about to say something, I got interrupted. 

"Hey, guys."


A/N - The authors note

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This story is going better than I thought it would do.

1192 words. 

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