Chapter 6

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Nat's pov

She has been out for 5 days now. It scares me that her brain has shut off again. 

If Tony just had shut up, she wouldn't be like this. 

I know that she isn't dead and that she still eats, which is better than the other times her brain has been shut off. But it kills me every time I have to check how she is doing. I check to her daily, hoping she is going to snap out of it soon. I only let Wanda and Banner into her room.

I can't leave her. I'm the one who is supposed to keep her from zoning out. I should have been calm, but instead, I yield at Tony. God, how could I let this happen?

I have been sitting beside her for 3 hours straight. A rumble came from my stomach. I was getting hungry, so I got up and left her alone. When I got down, I saw all the Avengers sitting in the living room like they have been waiting for me. 

Wait. Have they been waiting on me?

"Nat, good, we have been waiting on you," Tony said with a serious face. "Why?" I asked, even though I might know the answer. "You need to tell us what happened to Y/N because she hasn't moved in 5 days, and we are all scared."

"Tony, I can't. It's not my secret to spill. It is Y/N and only hers." "Yes, you can, and you will!" God, can't he understand that I made a promise to her, and I have no intention of breaking it so that they can know her secret. I took her under my wings, just like Clint saw the light in me. "No, Tony, I can't because I made her a promise that I will not break. So can you, for god sake, leave it alone. before I punch you."

There was silence. Of course, there was. I have just threatened Tony. I walked over to the kitchen to get myself some food. Oh god, how I was craving peanut butter bites. I walked over and opened the refrigerator. I looked and looked, but I couldn't find them.

Has someone taken them?

I kept looking for them until I felt someone's hand on my waist. "Is this what you are looking for?" The voice was whispering in my ear. I turned around and saw Bucky stand with my peanut butter bites. "Yes. yes, it is," I said before I took them out of his hand while I had a smirk on my face. "How are you feeling, doll?" "Tired, but other than that, I'm fine."

I could feel him putting both his hands on my waist. He pulled me in, and we kissed for a long time. We only stopped because we got interrupted by Thor, who wanted his pop-tarts. Bucky pulled me in and hugged me. It was really relaxing. I could almost fall asleep in his arms. That's how tired I am. 

I haven't slept that much the last five days, and Bucky knew that. He was the one who forced me to go to bed. "Doll... please go and get some sleep." I looked at him and shook my head. "Please... for me?" He asked me with his puppy eyes. "Fine... but you are coming with me." I am too tired to speak out against him. But at least I got something out of it.  

We walked past Y/N's room to see if she was alive. But she wasn't. "She is going to be okay," he held my chin in his hand and made me look into his eyes. "I promise you." Right after he had said that he kissed my forehead. 

We were almost at my room when we heard a scream. We looked at each other and ran over to the person who was screaming. The scream came from Y/N's room. She had never screamed before. I opened the door, and she was looking at me. 

Y/N pov

I screamed, but why? What happened? How long have I been out?

I opened my eyes and saw Nat and Bucky standing at the door. I looked at Nat, and I could feel the tears running down my cheeks. She came over and held me in her arms. I felt safe. I always feel safe when Nat hugs me. "You are okay... I am here now" I looked at her while she removed the tears from my eyes. "How long...?" I hoped she knew what I was talking about. "Five days."

Five days! No, that can be right... Had I lost five days? God, I hate it.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, I should have kept a closer eye on you." "No, it is not your fault. You did the best you could. Remember, you have a life too." She hugged me even tighter. We stayed like this for a little time before she could hear the sounds that came from my stomach. "Come on, let us get you some food." We both laughed, and then we walked out of my room. 

We walk straight to the kitchen without any stops, like we didn't walk past a single person on our way. I sat on the stool in front of the table, waiting for nat to finish the food she was making. "What do you want to drink?" "I would like milk, thank you" I love milk because it tastes so good. Like I can drink it to every dish I'm eating.  "Here you go." I nodded and said thank you to her. 

While I was eating, Nat chose to take the opportunity to tell me what had happened the last few days where I was gone. "So you really wanted to kill Tony?" I began laughing at her. "I have missed your laugh," she said while hitting playfully on my shoulder. "so, should we go down training?"


"I know that I have only just woken up, but I feel fine, please?" I could see on her face that it had nothing to do with me, who had just woken up. "I'm sorry, Y/N/N, but I'm not your training partner this week." She took her phone up from her pocket and found the training schedule. "God, why am I so unlucky." "You are not unlucky. So run up and change so you can train, okay?" I nodded and ran to my room and changed into my training outfit.


A/N - The authors note

I know that it isn't that good, but I truly hope you guys appreciate it. :)

1077 words. 

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