Chapter 44

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Tony's pov - Did you see this chapter coming? No? Okay.

They rushed her out of the room, so it was only me who was left. I looked at the floor and saw her blood. I never thought I was going to see this day, but I guess it finally came. I made F.R.I.D.A.Y. find all the bombs in the tower, which apparently wasn't that hard. They were only two, and they were in the living room, where we were. If I had to be honest, then Hydra wasn't the best at hiding bombs and weapons to use against us. I disabled them and hurried back to my sister, who was in the medical room. Now that the bombs were out of the way, we could continue saving her. I wasn't going to let her die. That would be over my dead body.

She was so calm even though she knew she was going to die. So we called Shuri over and some other people so they could save her. I wasn't going to let Bruce and I try to save her when other people could do it better. I saw the rest of the team sitting in front of her room. "H-How is she?" I asked them. They all looked down. "Please just tell me if she is alive or not?" I told them. I wanted her to be alive. I wanted to meet my little sister for real and have happy memories with her.

"She is still alive, but not stable," Bruce told me, and I felt a little relieved when he told me that she was still alive. Shuri came out not long after. "She is stable for now, but she is in a coma," she told us, and I felt a tear fall down my cheek. "We have removed all the nanotech from her body." I walked over to her and hugged her, something I usually never did. "Thank you," I told her, and she hugged me back.

"We don't know when she will wake up, but let us hope that she will soon," Shuri told me while we were hugging. We stopped hugging, and I gave her a nod. It was hitting me hard. "Can I see her?" I needed to see her, even if it would make me feel worse. She nodded.

I walked into the room and saw that she was connected with every machine in the room. She had a tube down her throat so that she could breathe. I closed the door and walked over to her so that I could sit beside her. I took her hand in mine. She looked almost dead, which was worse than her being dead. Almost dead is worse than being dead because it gives hope for her to live, but if you keep hoping, you will end up disappointed. But I am not going to give up hope when there is a chance for her to live a life with us again. 

"I'm sorry for not saving you from this life," I started by saying to her. "If I had known you were my sister, then I would have kept you away from all of this." A tear left my left eye. Even when I thought she wasn't my family, I still felt like she was. "My beautiful baby sister," I said before placing a kiss on her forehead.

I stood up from the chair and walked out of her room. "Tony, can we talk?" Nat asked, and I nodded. We walked into the meeting room, where we were alone. "What is it?" I asked her. "Y/n is 24, right?" She asked me. I gave her a confused look since she should know this.

"Yes, why?" She gave me some papers where it said classified. I was shocked when I saw my sister's name written at the top.

Y/n Stark.
Born: 19th of November 1988.

I looked at nat and then at the paper again. "She should be 33 years old," I said, and she nodded. "Are you sure this is real?" I asked her. She then pointed at the bottom of the paper. Fury had signed it. "She was only three when they took her away from you," she said, and I could feel tears forming in my eyes.

"How is this even possible?" I asked her. She just gave me a look, and I understood what she meant. They had given my three-year-old sister the super-soldier serum and then frozen her down just like they did with James. "They froze my sister." she nodded.

Se never got to live a normal life as I did. I got everything she didn't, and she didn't even know. I didn't even know. "I still don't understand why they wanted her," I said, and Nat thought the same thing. So we began thinking about reasons, but there weren't any we could find.

"Do you think she will wake up again?" Nat looked at me with sad eyes. I could see that she was trying to hide it, but I also knew that she cared for Y/n. "I'm hoping." She didn't say much before James came into the room. "How is Steve doing?" I asked him.

"He's blaming himself for letting her go with them in the first place." It wasn't all his fault. It was all of our faults that she chose to go with them. "It's not his fault," I said. None of us said anything for a while. 

I still couldn't believe that she was older than we thought. She probably didn't even know it herself. She had missed so many birthdays with friends and family she hadn't met. "I-I think I will go talk to my sister." I left them alone in the room and walked over to her medical room.

Every time I saw the wires and tubes, I felt terrible. I took her hand in mine and sat down beside her. "I promise you this, when you wake up, then I will protect you from everything that could hurt you." I wanted her to shout at me and tell me that she was an adult and that she could take care of herself. "I hope you hear everything that I am telling you." 

Her hand felt cold but warm. "We-Uhm. We removed the bombs. You saved us and the city, so please come back." Tears had begun falling down my cheeks. "I don't think I can live with the thought of you dying before me when you haven't gotten to live your life."

Everyone had it bad, but I think Steve and I are doing worse than the others. "Please wake up. I don't think you know how this affects all of us." Please hear what I am saying. "It wouldn't be the same here without you."


A/N - The authors note

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You really thought I was going to end the story like that?

1135 words.

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