Chapter 19

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Steve's POV

"Hey, guys," Y/N said, smiling.

I then stood up from the couch and walked over to her so that I could kiss her because I wanted to test something out. I was about to kiss her when she moved away from me. "What are you doing?" She asked. I was speechless.

What had just happened?

I looked back at the others who were in shock, just like me. I slowly began walking away from Y/N. "Why are you all looking at me like that," Y/N said before Tony got some of his armor on and shot her, so she became unconscious. "Tony!!" I shouted at him. "What, we were all thinking about doing it," he said with a smirk on his face, but he wasn't wrong. I just wouldn't have done it like that.

We then took her down to a cell, where we locked her up. Tony took a string of her hair so he and Bruce could do a DNA examination, so we could check if it was really her or someone else. It actually scared me that they had DNA samples from all of us, but it was smart. It was smart because they could check if it was really us or not, but I'm not going to ask them when or where they got it from because I am scared of the answer.

We had been waiting for two hours when Tony and Bruce finally came out of the laboratory. "So?" I asked. "Sorry, Steve, but that is not our Y/N..." Tony said. I felt the room spin around, so I sat down on a chair. "But where is she then!" I said very loudly with my hands driving through my hair. "Steve, take it easy, we don't know, but we will find her," Tony assured me. We began thinking about clues that could help us find her when I remembered that she left the compound to get some fresh air. 

"Tony, the cameras," I almost shouted. Finally, they could actually be used for something important. "You are right for once," Tony said while rushing over to his computer and finding the security footage from last night. After going through almost all of it, we finally found the time Y/N walked outside to get some fresh air. "Okay, here it is, but we can't see who it is. I'm sorry, Steve." I had never heard Tony say sorry to me before, so I got surprised by that. "Tony, can you maybe find something about the person we have in the cell?" Nat asked with confidence. He nodded and began searching the internet and S.H.I.E.L.D.'s database. He, of course, used what we got from her DNA. 

"Found it!" Tony shouted, which made all of us hurry over to him. "There isn't much, but there is something." "Just tell us!" I shouted at Tony, even though I knew I shouldn't have done that. "I'm sorry," I told him. "She's a Hydra agent," Tony said. I once again felt the room spin, so I walked over to a chair and sat down again and began taking some deep breaths to calm myself down. I couldn't stop feeling like it was my fault that they took her from me.

I should have gone with her outside, so she wasn't alone. God, I am so stupid.

There was silence in the room until Nat broke. "It's my fault," she said before she fell on her knees. We all turned our heads, so we were looking at her. "I was supposed to keep her safe, and I failed." We walked over to Nat and got her up on her feet to get her over to a chair where she could sit instead of sitting on the floor. "Nat, I think it is time you tell us about Y/N's past," Bruce told her, and she nodded. 

"She was from a young age a part of a project that was called 'The Red Hydra.' None of the S.H.E.I.L.D. Agents knew what it was about. I tried asking Y/N, but she didn't know either. She only knew that they were torturing her and sticking needles into her skin, day in and day out..." The more she told, the sicker I felt. We were all shocked and didn't know how to react to what she was telling us. "... We actually still don't know what makes her panic attacks go off, we only know that they come when she feels pressure around her, like when we yelled at each other in front of her."

I then remembered all the times I had yelled at her in front of the team and the arguments I had had with the team in front of her. 

I am the worst person on earth.

I took Nat's hand in mine and looked her in the eyes. "It's my fault. I said it was okay for her to walked out alone. I should have gone with her," I told Nat, so she knew it was my fault and not hers. Nat then kept on saying it was her fault were I kept saying it was my fault. The only reason we stopped was that the others said that it was the whole team's fault. 

"We need to find out where they are holding her, so we can safe her," I said with a sad voice but determinant. They all nodded. Bruce and Tony then rushed over to their computers and tried to find her. 


"argh!!!" I screamed in pain when I felt them cutting into my body. I remembered this feeling like it was yesterday that I was being tortured. "How long before we can go back to our original plan?" A man asked, but I couldn't see who. "We need at least a few weeks before she is ready again." I could feel my heart beating faster than it did before. I didn't want to be back here. I wanted to be home with my family. 

"Okay, but have you gotten the result from her blood back?" The man asked again. I knew it was the same man because of his voice. I didn't know what they wanted me for, and that made me scared. "Yes, and it is still in her body."

Wait, what! What is in my body?!

I tried moving, but I felt paralyzed. 

Steve, please save me...

The next thing I felt was metal being strapped to my body. I didn't know why until I felt the feeling of electricity going through my body. I could feel them electrocute me, but at the same time, I couldn't feel my body. After being tortured for a while, I felt my eyes get heavier, and I blacked out. 


A/N - The authors note

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1124 words. 

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