well shit... *intro/authors note*

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I- I don't understand why people keep reading this book... O.O 

Hello Reader! Tis I ~ LF/Fluffy! Also known as Rose and Raccoon in this book. (Raccoon101 was my old username, but we're not gonna talk about that-) 

I have come to write this little chapter intro thingy from 2021- despite the fact that I ended this book all the way back in 2018---

This book was started in 2016 when I was around 11-13 years old. It is extremely cringey, cliché and confusing. Not to mention very poorly written and completely unedited. I hate this book with every fiber in my being... 

It is for that reason that I believe you should stop what you are doing right now, please do not read this book. I have a better one. :D 

I created a TMNT Imagines book a while after ending this one, because I was craving writing about TMNT... It's up on my profile, please just read that one instead of this one. It's so much better.. 

BUT- if you do decide to read this one.. That's cool too I guess? :P 

I'm mostly making this because I- to this day, keep getting a bunch of comments about it. And it's driving me a little nutty. People always question what the hell is going on, and I have no answers for you. I love comments, keep them coming. But PLEASE stop informing me of any mistakes you find, or if there's something that confuses you- I don't- I can't... help you with that. This book confuses me and it's my own bloody creation. 

I literally cannot even go back and read the chapters that are inside of this thing. It's always going to be a mess. 

Readers keep raging in the comments about what's happening in the chapters and I'm like, this was written by a 11-13 year old. That should speak enough of what to expect. I'm not joking when I say this is absolute garbage and I hate it. 

So please keep in mind that if you are going to read this book, it's very very very OLD. You don't need to rage or ask questions about 'why would she do that, i would never do that-' or anything like that, because I was a cringey CHILD writing this. I'm an ADULT now, that's how long it's been. 

In all seriousness, I do love receiving comments, as long as they aren't about hate. Even if this is an old book that I hate, I'm glad it's bringing people joy. ^^ 

As long as you understand what you're getting yourself into by reading this, go ahead. 

Thank you to everyone who read this boring thing. And to everyone who reads my trash. Along with those who do leave really nice and funny comments. I love you all so much. You have no idea. ^3^ 

If you like what you read here, feel free to check out my TMNT Imagines book once you've finished this one. 

Once again, thank you for reading and I hope you have an amazing day/night. <3 

With all my love, 



ps. i'm sorry if it seems like im angry or bitchy in this chapter, i'm not trying to be. i just keep getting a lot of comments about the chapters either regarding what's going on or how shitty it's actually written so i felt like i needed to make a chapter about it. idk... XD 

pps. if you do read this book- i want to apologize for what i'm putting you through.. OvO 

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