Late nights and cuddles: Donatello

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D/g's POV: 

I walked towards the lab, Donnie's hand in mine, he was trailing behind me slightly. I grinned as my other hand reached out to grab the handle, but I was soon stopped by my one and only, adorkable turtle in purple. 

"Hold on a second.." He said as I turned around to look at him. One of my brows raising a bit. 

"What for?" I asked. 

"I just want to know what you all are planning here? Is something.. going to happen?" He blushed a little, and I felt myself do so as well. A grin crawled on my face as I laughed a little. 

"No no. We just were all tired of not hanging out with you guys. We all missed you and decided to plan a special little date for you guys. We decided to do it in different rooms, so we could be alone with our boyfriends." I chuckled, Donnie looked at me sheepishly and chuckled as well. 

"Oh, okay.. Sorry." 

"No you don't have to apologise. Now you ready?" Donnie gave me a quick nod and I grinned at him, opening the door and walking in. 

The room was all dark except the few candles that were littered around. Along with some fairy lights which were all around the room. Hanging up on the ceiling, some on the floor. In the center by his desk was a blanket and many pillows. Where some chocolates, and Dr. Pepper sat neatly placed on top of the blanket. I grinned back at Donnie as I saw him looking around in awe. I then let go of his hand and walked up to a radio where I played some music. There was his laptop also set on the blanket, where I now sat down on too. I patted a spot beside me as Donnie smiled and joined me. 

"You did this all, just for me?" He asked, looking down at me with a tint of a blush on his features. The lights illuminated his face slightly and I blushed a bit myself. 

"Of course." I grinned, leaning into him as he took my hand in his, while the other snaked around my waist. I chuckled a little and also clicked something on the laptop. It was my f/m (Fave movie). Donnie sighed in content as we watched it and ate chocolate. 

A few laughs were shared, along with some kisses, chocolate and Dr. Pepper. (Sorry if you don't like the drink, just say it's something else). 

It was nice to just be in his arms again, cuddling. I loved his company, he was my everything. Truth be told, I don't know what I would do without my Donnie bear. (Sorry, I had too. XD) 

I snuggled closer to him, letting a tiny laugh escape as he failed at a joke. A small yawn escaped my mouth as I tried to stay awake. Donnie grinned down at me and pecked my forehead, I looked up at him and smiled. 

"I love you D/g.. So so much." He whispered, the lair now completely silent except for the soft music playing in the background. I giggled a little kissed his hand, since I was too tired to lean up and kiss him. (XD)

"I love you too Donnie bear.." I bit my lip to contain my laughter. He cocked an eyebrow as I small laugh escaped his lips. 

"Donnie bear? That's new." 

"I hope you don't mind." I grinned, closing my eyes and leaning on his chest. We were laying down now, I was on top of him slightly, my head leaning on his chest, our arms wrapped around each other. 

"I don't mind at all, n/n." (Nick name) Donnie whispered. 

"You know, tonight was something I needed. You really do know how to make a guy like me happy D/g...D/g?" Don laughed silently as he noticed that I had fell asleep. He pressed his lips gently to my head before closing his own eyes. 

"Good night, n/n.." 


Me: AHHH! So cute!!!!!!! I loved writing this chapter you guys!! I just wanted to say a quick thank you to Marie, (Donnie1013152), I couldn't have written this as good if she didn't give me any ideas. You guys should check her out if you haven't already. She's awesomesauce! 

Raph: Now what are you going on about now?

Mikey: She just updated TMNT Boyfriend Scenarios.  And how Marie gave her the idea. 

Raph: Oh, that crap.. 

Me: Hey! I've seen you reading it before! *points a finger at him accusingly* And you should be happy i'm talking to Marie, cuz whenever I do you get to sometimes see mmmf. 

Raph: *Covers her mouth* Okay! If you stop talking about.. Her, I will stop saying that your book isn't crap. Okay? 

Me: *Thinks for a second before nodding*

Raph: *Sighs* good. *Lets go*

Me: Em! 

Raph: Ugh! *throws his hands up in the air and stomps away* 

Me: I totally ship you guys!!

Leo: What's all the shouting about? 

Donnie: Yeah, I was trying to do something in the lab. 

Me: I was just talking about my new chapter in the scenarios. 

Mikey: Yeah! This one was so fluffy!

Leo: Fluffy? Nevermind, hey.. Isn't this one about you Don? *smirks a little* 

Donnie: *Blushes a bit* N-No... 

Leo: Hold on, let me get my phone. 

Donnie: Leo! *Sighs* Raccoon this better be a good chapter. 

Me: *Shrugs* I don't know D, you'd have to ask the readers. 

Donnie: .... You stink. 

Me: I just took a shower not that long ago!

Donnie: *Snickers* It was a joke. 

Me: *sighs* Boys, am I right? Okay, so that's it for this chapter. Let me know what you think down in the comments. Oh and btw, thank you all for the lovely requests. I just have to write Mike's chapter and then work on those! :) Now.. 

All of us: Staaaaaay BEAUTIFUL ma RAINBOWS!

Me: Peace out! 


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