Mating Season: Michelangelo

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Finally, what you've all been waiting for! Mikey's version of the Mating season!  I know I know, it's exciting! Sorry this took sooooooooooooo long. But, I am in a good mood, and was reading through some things, and I thought it was finally time for this! Slight think first, this might be terrible, since I have no idea in the slightest on what to do for Mikey. But, I will try, and that's the best it's gonna get. XD Alright, enough chat! Onto the chappie! 

M/g's pov: 

Me and Mikey walked into our room, the living room. This was going to be very difficult. All I wanted to do, and probably all the other girls wanted to do, was throw our arms around them and hug and kiss them. But, at the same time, we wanted to throw them out the window. 

I sighed, sitting on the couch, "Okay Mikey, this is serious, no more fun and games." I say, avoiding eye contact. 

I was afraid that if I looked Mikey in the eye, something would happen and i'd forgive him right away or something. And I didn't want that to happen, although, I knew it was going to happen. 

"I know M/g I know. I've been stupid, and childish." 

Wait..What!? That's not my Mikey, he sounds so...Mature. What happened to him!?!??!?!?

(Oh im afraid I know. XD) 

"Like all the others, I'm just going to quickly explain.. It was mating season. And since we're turtles, it can effect us...Weird and strangley." 

I just nod, trying to still process this, I mean, it's Mikey... Are you hearing this? Am I hearing this right? 

"Master Splinter took our phones away so we couldn't contact you all. Even though we all wanted to. That's also the reason for us not seeing you for three whole weeks. We've all felt like jerks about it. Even more now that we know you guys are so upset.. And I just want-" 

"Enough! I forgive you I forgive you!" I ran up to my boyfriend and hugged him, peppering his face with kisses. 

He smirks and blushes. 

"Just never do that AGAIN! And why you sounding so....Mature?' 

I ask, leaning back and looking up into those big baby blue eyes of his. 

His smirk grows, "Because I knew it would freak you out and you'd forgive me." 

I make a face, was I just...Did he? 

"Come here you!" I grabbed his face and smashed my lips on his. FULL OUT MAKE-OUT SESSION!!!! 

BAM! Finally, that took bloody forever, and I don't know about you guys, but I think Mikey's chapter was my favorite. XD Who knew he could be so smart. 

Mikey: I know right...Wait.....Hey!

Leo: *Laughs* I still liked mine, I think mine, was the best. 

Raph: *chuckles* No, you're wrong, Lame-o-nardo. Mine was the best. 

Donnie: Nope. You're all wrong, mine was the best. 

Mikey: Nuh uh! Mine was! 

Leo: No mine! 

Raph: Mine! 

Donnie: Mine! 

Turtles: *Arguing* 

Me: *Smiles and watches* Welp.... I'm gonna go watch Transformers! Later peeps. And remember to-

Casey: Staaaaay! Ow! 

Me: *Hits him with a pan* Shut up Casey! *Clears throat* Staaaaaay BEAUTIFUL ma RAINBOWS! PEACE! 

Ps. Gotta love dat picture dough. 

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