When he asks you out/First kiss: Donatello

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Y/n snapped out of thought. "Oh uh... Donnie.. um.." Donnie walks over to Y/n. 

Y/n stands up and meets him half way. " I'm sorry. I should have called before coming over. I just really wanted to see you.." He mumbled. Being the flirty girl she is Y/n smirks. "So you wanted to see me badly?" She says. 

Donnie blushes. "Y-ya..." He stammered. Y/n started laughing. And laughing hard. Which made Donnie blush even more. "Awe you blush in the cutest way when your embarrassed." She chuckled. 

Donnie blushes a little more. After what he just descovered he knew he was going to blush a lot around Y/n. Should he tell her now or wait for the right time. He chooses to tell her when it is the right time. 

"Uh... Thanks I guess... To be honest i'm not sure to be happy about that or upset..." He states. Y/n giggles. "Your so cute Donnie!" Donnie blushes. "You think im cute?" He asked. Y/n nodded. "Just like you said when we first met.." Donnie mumbled. 

"You remember!" Y/n exclaimed. "Oh ya... I don't think I would ever forget... Not that I even want to.." He said shifting his feet. 

"Awe Donnie that's the sweatest thing anyone has ever said to me!" Y/n says. Donnie perks up. "Really!?" Y/n nodded walking up to Donnie. Their faces inches apart. 

"Um... Y/n.. What are you doing?" Donnie asked. "I need to ask you something.." She says. "Ok well you know we don't... H-have to be-" "Shhh... Just listen... Donatello Hamato..." "Ya..." "Will you make me the happiest... Happiest girl on the planet ALIVE... And maybe.... Be my boyfriend?" 

Donnie blushed, then fainted. Y/n giggles at his actions and takes her glass of water off of her desk and spashes him. He gets up and looks around. "I just had the strangest dream..." He mutters. Y/n laughs. "No dream Don.." He stares at her as she helps him up.  Guess someone beet him to it. "Yes I would l-" But before he could finish his sentence Y/n smashed her lips into his. 

Sparks flew everywere as they kissed in silence. Soon they had to break apart for air. But that was the most magical thing that happend in their lives. 

"Wow..." Donnie said. "Wow indeed Donald the duck." Y/n giggled. "Ya wait what! Donald the duck?!" Donnie asked smiling. Y/n nods. "Yes Donald the duck, Donald the duck no complaints!" She giggled. 

Awe! Donnie is sooooo cute! Cutenesss. Oh and don't worry about the guys and Casey and April theyre all fine! 

Leo: Fine! Raccoon you bit us, tackled us, scratched us, hugged us to death and pinched us. Maybe a few hits as well!

Raph: Ya I am covered in bruses and scabs. 

Me: Maybe next time you won't act like that!

Donnie: Act like what!? Your the one who attacked us for no reason!


Donnie: *Sighs* No.

Raph & Leo: *Very scared looks on their faces* No please no!

Me: Smiles* Good. 

Mikey: I'm with Raccoon on this one. Mona Lisa caused all dis!

Raph: How she wasn't even here!? 

Me: Mikey is right! Don't judge or ga ga!

Raph: Fine!

Leo: Bye Raccoons peeps see you next chapter. 

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