JOHN CENA!!!!!! DUN DUN DUN DUN!! XD No, I just got tagged¬!

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Yay! So guys, sadly this isn't an update, but I just got tagged by a great friend of mine, who I mention a lot. XD Marie, aka

Yay! So, here we go. I'ma write down the questions. 

1. Crush? 

2.Middle Name? 

3. Height? 

4. Eye color? 

5. Last time you cried? 

6. Fears? 

7. Last song you listened to? 

8. Last person you texted? 

9. Favourite app? 

10. Tag 20 people. 

Okie so lets dive into it. Literally! 


Jk. XD Let's NOT do that. 

(1) Woah! Okie, so if you mean real life crush, I don't have one. XD I'm a single pringle and PROUD.  But I do have a lot of other ones... I like to say that I have over 500 husbands, so.. XD One of them, which is obvious, is Leonardo Hamato. 

(2) XD It's Rose, after my great grandma.

(3) 5"8 1/2 I think. 

(4) Blue. 

(5) Around an hour ago, I watched a sad music video. XD 

(6) Fears? I have a lot. XD Um.. Spiders, and bugs. Being alone forever, hurting someone I love, being made fun of, dying a painful death, getting badly hurt, etc. 

(7) Waiting for superman, by... (?) Daughtry? I think. I'm not a fan of Superman, but I heard the song from a fan music video of Spiderman, so, XD I liked it after I heard it.

(8) The fantastic amazing Marie! 

(9) Wattpad or Youtube. XD

(10) I'm too lazy to do this, so anyone who reads this, I tag you all! XD Mwahahahahahaaaa! XD You don't have to do it if you don;t want to. 

Anyways, staaaaay BEAUTIFUL ma RAINBOWS! 




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