When he plays with your hair: Leonardo

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#Y/n# and %Y/n% stared at each other. Just then someone called. "What's going on?" #Y/n# whips around seeing master Splinter. %Y/n% faints and falls to the floor. Donnie quickly picks her up bridle style and lays her down on a couch. *Y/n* runs up to Splinter and hugs him. "Awe your so cute and soft." She squeals. 

Everyone stares at her. Even Mike. Splinter clears his throat. "And you must be Michelangelo's girlfriend. Well it is very nice to meet you." He says. She smiles and stops hugging him. "Awe thanks. I'm *Y/n* it is nice to meet you to!" She says before walking over to Mikey. Master Splinter nods. "I will meet you all properly later... I believe someones sister is here..." He says before leaving. 

#Y/n#'s P.O.V. 

I looked at Leo who looks back at me. A little bit of worry in his eyes. I then look at my sister. She looks back at me. "So uh..." She says rubbing her arm. I cross my arms and chuckle a little. "I cannot believe you think your getting out of this." I say. She cocks an eye brow. I scoff. "Oh come on you know what I mean!" I snap. 

She shakes her head. "No not really." She says rolling her eyes. I sigh. "How could you not tell me that you were dating.. Let alone a mutant." I say. She chuckles. "Your such a hypocrite!" $Y/n$ snaps. I roll my eyes. "How!?" 

"You didn't tell me you were dating... Let alone a mutant!" She copy's me. I shake my head. "I don't have to I am your older sister!" I spit. She rolls her eyes. "So!?" "So! So.. I have to look out for you. What if the guy you were dating was a jerk.  A player!" I say. She opens her mouth to speak but closes it. 

"Sorry." She says. I sigh. "I forgive you I am sorry as well." We hug and someone clears their throat. "How could you be fighting one time and forgive each other in less then a few minutes afterwards?" Raph asks. I giggle and put my arm around Leo. "It's a gift.." I say. $Y/n$ laughs. "And we've had lots of practice." She says. I nod. "You do not wanna be around us when we really fight." I say. 

"Anyways.." Leo says. "So your sisters? I did not see this coming.." Leo mumbles. I nod. "Neither did I." I mumble. "So how about you guys go introduce $Y/n$ to Splinter." Says I. 

Raph nods. "Aren't you going to introduce #Y/n#?" Raph asks Leo. Who shakes his head. "No I already did." He said. Raph and $Y/n$ leave and to go introduce $Y/n$. 

Leo's P.O.V. XD

I looked at #Y/n# I was still shocked that her sister and my brother were dating. She looked just as shocked. "Well that was totally unexpected." I say. She nods. "Wanna go watch Space Hereos?" She asks. I smile. "How can I say no to that." I say and we leave to go watch the best TV show of all times. 

I watch as #Y/n# gets comfy on the couch. Then I join her. I watch as she sticks her tongue out concentrating on the television. I think it is so cute. She laughs at the TV and sighs. I love her laugh. She leans on my shoulder, and I can feel the blush appear across my face. Burning bright red. 

I gulp and brush some of her hair out of my face. And as I do I cannot help but notice the minty smell to it. I can hear her giggle. I raise and eye brow as she turns around to face me. "Like the scent of my hair Weo?" She says giggling even more as I blush even more. 

Making her laugh. She kisses my nose. "I love you to." She says. I smile and kiss her fore head. "I do love you." I say. She smiles and lays down in my lap. We stay like that and watch Space Heroes.   After a while #Y/n# falls asleep on my lap. I chuckle to myself. She is so cute when she is sleeping. 

I brush the hair out of her face. Then I smirk getting an idea. I lift her up carefully trying not to wake her. I put a pillow under her and quickly but quietly leave to go find her backpack. When I come back I have some pony ties. I kneel down in front of her. 

I brush out all the tangles with my fingers. Then I get to work. I smile at what I did once it is done. Then I quickly lift her up and lay her back in my lap. A little while later she gets up. Yawning. I hold back my laugh. 

She turns to me smiling. Then she stops and feels her hair. She quickly takes out her phone and outs on the camera. So she can see what I did. She smiles and looks at me. "Leo it's beautiful!" She says. I blush and little smiling. 

"You like it?" I ask. She nods. "Like it I love it!" She says. 

(This is what it looks like

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(This is what it looks like. Not what you look like.)

She hugs me and kisses my nose yet again. "Thank you!" She says. I hug her back. "Your very welcome love." She blushes at her nick name. "I love it when you call me that." She says. I smile. "I'm glad. Plus I love to call you that." I say. 

AWE! Loved writing this one! XD It was so much fun to write and I hope you guys enjoyed it. I know I love to read 'When he plays with your hair on' the tmnt bf scenarios. They are so much fun!

Raph: What are you going on about now!?

Leo: Her story. It is actually pretty good. 

Me: Why thank you Leo... At least somebody besides Mikey and my other fans likes it. (Looks at Raph)

Raph: (sticks tongue out at me)

Me: That's it! Your going down pretty boy!

Raph: $#!+ (runs)

Me: (Tackles) 

Leo: (sighs) Good-bye Raccoons Peeps! See you all next chapter! 

𝐭𝐦𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now