The Big Apology - Leonardo (REQUEST)

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((I know it's been a while, but after I fixed the whole Bean Man thing, my life got slightly crazy with school and other things. And on top of that i'm just starting to get over some kind of cold or something. I was stuck in bed for quite some time, doing nothing but watching something and trying to distract myself from my aching body. But you don't want to hear about that. To those who are reading this, I want to thank you. And to everyone who gave me their input on the I need help chapter/update thing, thanks. Just to clear some things up, and I hope I don't sound like a total bitch. When I first made that chapter I was hoping I'd just get a yes or no sort of answer in the comment section. I never really asked for anything else other than if you wanted the turtles to be forgiven now or later. When I saw the whole 50/50 thing, I totally freaked out, because I didn't want to write that whatsoever. That's a big part to why this has taken so long for me to write, because I don't really want to write it, but I also don't want to let any of you down. I"m just going to really wing it, so if you don't like it, or it's not what you suggested, I apologise. But I never really did ask for what you replied with. I'm just going to try and get over this whole entire section of the bf scenarios, just because i'm already dreading it so much. That's all for now, I'm going to let you guys get on with the chapter now. Thanks to those who read this. It means a lot to me. :) Now let's just get on with the chapter shall we? )) 

1 and 1/2 months later~ 

(Third Person POV) 

It's been about three whole months since Y/n's and Leo's break up. Leo's tried to talk to her, but Y/n wouldn't have anything to do with him, or his brothers, for that matter. It's been hard on the both of them. Actually, it's been hard on everyone lately. But, life as we know it, goes on. Y/n was currently walking home from work (a/n: if you don't have a job in rl, you have one in the story bcuz you're an old lil potato chickling thing-y... Idk, just go with it :D) She was currently looking down at her phone, that was, until she was pulled into a random alley way. 

She was about to scream, when she recognised the figure in front of her, or should I say, figures. She slapped a small scowl on her face and tucked her phone into her pocket.

"If you're here on behalf of your brother, don't bother." She snapped. 

Raphael sighed, "Look Y/n.. We understand what happened was.. Uncalled for.. " 

Y/n's anger sky rocketed. "Uncalled for!? He yelled at me for helping him and than he hit me. Hit me! I would say that's more than uncalled for, Raphael." She spat with a scowl on her face. What Leo had done to her, really hurt her. She hated the fact that she couldn't see him, but she felt it was necessary. She loved Leo, she really did. But she didn't know if she could take him back after something like that. She'd always be wondering whether it would happen again or something. 

Donnie frowned, "Y/n.. Leo made a mistake," when he saw the look on her face he added quickly, "A really big mistake. That doesn't mean he doesn't regret it. Leo would never hurt you intentionally. It was an accident." 

Y/n looked down for a moment, "Maybe so.. But that wont stop me from wondering if he'd ever do it again. What if we're fighting over something in the future, i'll always be afraid that he'll hurt me again." She mumbled. 

Mikey placed a hand on her shoulder, "I- We.. Understand. Leo did something horrible and he's gonna have to work really hard to get you back. But.. Y/n.. You're the best thing that's ever happened to him. You guys really do love each other. We can all see it. Everyone deserves a second chance.. Plus.. You love him, don't you? People who love each other can always figure things out." 

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