Iz been tagged!?!?!?

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Okay so I was tagged by a good friend of mine, Marie. Aka


Thanks boo!

Anyways I think it's called, "You do you boo boo" tag. And I'm gonna do it! Let's get started rainbows!!

1. Favorite animal?

Dolphin, turtle or fox!!


2. Spirit animal?

I have no idea. XD :S

3. Favorite fandom?

Teenage mutant ninja turtles!!!

TMNT what you get is what you see!

Heroes in a half shell!


4.Favorite elective?

Art, French, and/or Piano!!


5. Somewhere you'd move that's not in your country?

France Paris! Or Japan!


6. Favorite color?


Or green! ^-^


7. Fictional Senpai (from fandom)?

Hamato Leonardo! 💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💘💗💘💗💘💗💘💞💋💋💋💋💋💋 *blushes*

8. Real life Senpai?



My bea. One of em anyways. XD

9. Mood right now?

Happy as can be!! 😄😝😜

XD :D :P

10. Do you like pizza?

XD no!!!!

Iz just kidding!!

Yup, yup yup yup yup yup!!

That's all of them!! Yay!! Now it's time for me to tag some of you!! So here it goes.

I'd tag Marie but she tagged me! XD

Thanks boo!




And the rest of you thy read this!!

If you want to that is! XD

That's all! Ttyl!

Staaaay BEAUTIFUL ma RAINBOWS!! 🌈💖🌈💖

Peace out! ✌️


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