extremely important a/n; i'm very sorry

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well this is going to be hard to write. 

let me just start this off with an apology. 

i'm really sorry for not updating in a really long time. i'm sorry for keeping you waiting, i know it sucks. 

honestly, i never thought i would write something like this, ever. 

i find myself often going back and reading my older stories and cringing at how bad i think they are. but then it reminds me of how far i've gotten in my writing, and it makes me hope that one day i might be able to accomplish my dreams for becoming a professional writer and author. 

if someone would have told me that one day i would have this many reads on one of my stories, i would have thought they were crazy. 

this has been an amazing and incredible journey and i am so happy that it happened. 

so thank you all, for being with me and sticking by me through this whole thing. 

you mean the world to me and i'm so happy to be apart of the wattpad (and tmnt) community. 

and because of that i just thought you all should know, that i hate this book with my whole entire being. i hate how i made it, i hate how bad it is, i hate what i've done to it, i just hate it. 

and i don't want to write it anymore. 

i haven't wanted to write in this book, probably for about a year now. 

but i have wrote it because of you. 

yes you, the person who is reading this a/n right now. 

not for myself. 

but for you. 

because i know you like it, and you enjoy it. 

and that alone makes me happy. 

but i don't know if its enough for me to continue. 

now don't panic, i'm not defeated that easily and i'm not ending this book. 

i love tmnt, i will always love tmnt, i grew up watching and loving tmnt. 

the very first tmnt series i watched was the 2003 version, when i was younger, raph was my favorite, he was my crush. but i also loved leo, and eventually, i began to love him more than raph, but raph will always been my little angry bean. 

i'm just saying that it might take a while for this book to get any real updates. 

i haven't felt inspired to write, let alone write a tmnt fanfic that i hate. 

recently, i went to my grandparents, which if you stuck with me from the beginning you'll know has no internet, and i go there a lot. 

and after a few days of just being there, i felt inspired to write. but it wasn't any fanfic. 

it was an original story, that i made, that i love, and that i want to continue to work on. 

it's about werewolves, in case you wanted to know. 

and finally after months with no inspiration to write, i finally felt like myself again. 

so, i'm going to focus more on the originals and less on the fanfics. 

i might publish them on here, if you want to see them? 

let me know? 

i write about romance and fantasy mostly. 

i also really want to start a marvel/avengers one shot or imagines book, would you want to see that? 

i might just do it anyways. 


anyways, that is all. 

i just thought i'd let you know that i might not update this book for quite some time. 

i already wrote about half (actually it's more like a quarter since it's going to probably be really long)  a request so i might publish that one soonish? 

thank you for being patient? 

marvel avengers imagines might come out soon..? 

so if you are a fan, you might want to check it out? (if it happens, which it probably will since i've wanted to do it for a long time) 


remember to staaaay BEAUTIFUL ma RAINBOWS! 

peace out. 


ps. thanks again. :) 

pps. the gif is my spirit animal. xD

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