Late nights and cuddles: Raphael

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//OKAY!!!! I gotta stop delaying and get off my ass and write for you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so so sorry this is literally taking forever, FOREVER for me to update one chapter. But life my friends, sucks balls. XD Kinda. Welp, I got to get to work. Here is the lovley Raphie chappie for all of you Raph fans out there! xoxo //

R/G's POV. 

So I took Raph into the living room, which I had set up a bunch of his favorite movies, and made us some popcorn and other snacks. I had made him a new mask and hid it somewhere in the room. He didn't know that yet, but I wasn't going to tell him till a while. I also, got him another little present, I really hope he likes it, because he's been on my ass lately (A/N: I know what that's like. XD Sorry, continue.) for me to get it for him, cause he keeps breaking the old one. 

I lean my head on his shoulder, my eyes are closed as we held each other's hand. I let out a tiny sigh or happiness before opening my eyes and looking up at him. 

"Raph?" I ask, making him look down at me. 

"Yeah?" He turns a little so he can see me better and I smile a little. 

"I actually have something for you.." A tint of a pink blush crawls onto my face, I don't bother to hide it as he grins, raising a 'brow.' 

"Really? You got me something?" I chuckled a little and nodded. 

"Two things actually." I mumbled, moving some of my hair behind my ear. 

"Well, what are these two things?" He let go of my hand as I stood up. 

"The first one you're gonna have to find." At my words he raised an eyebrow yet again. 


"Yes." I nodded once and gestured to the room we were in. 

"It's in this room only. Go ahead and look for it.." Raph hesitantly got up and looked around the room, eyes scanning for anything obvious or out of place. 

"What exactly am I looking for?" He walks forward, moving a pillow before looking back over at me. 

"If I told you that would ruin the surprise." I grinned. 

"I hate surprises." He mumbles, sending me a amused smile. 

"Well I hope you like this one." 

Raph continued to look around the room, but he couldn't find anything, and I can tell he was a little annoyed. Not at me, but at the present and himself. 

"Can you at least give me a hint?" He looked over at me once again. 

"Like what?" I asked, tilting my head a little. 

"Like.. Um.. Like whereabouts is it in the room..?" I thought for a second before nodding. 

"Alright.. It's around me." I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. 

"Around you?" He questions. 

"Yes, around me." He sighs before walking over to me. He looks around me for a few more minutes before getting annoyed again. 

"Can I have another hint?" He stood in front of me, his arms crossed over his chest. 

I nodded, and moved some of my hair away from my shoulder. (A/N: This isn't gonna be something dirty. Unless you think of it as dirty..? Idk. And if you don't have long hair, just imagine it as something different. Like a gesture or something.) 

Raph's eyes landed on my shoulder, where a red fabric was tied around my chest, underneath my spaghetti strapped shirt. He raised an eyebrow, almost instantly knowing what it was. He walked around me to the back and untied the mask, he pulled it out and looked at it.

"A new mask?" 

"Do you like it? You don't like it do you.." I frowned a little as he grinned and hugged me. 

"No no, babe, it's awesome! I've been wanting a new mask for a while now, how'd you know?" 

"You've complained about it once or twice." I smiled, returning his hug. After a while we pulled away.

"And the second present?" I grinned and waved my hand for him to follow me. Raph did as told as I took him to the entrance/exit of the lair. Once he saw what was there, his jaw dropped as he stared at the motorcycle in amazement. 

"You got me a motorcycle!?" He grinned, looking over at me. 

"Yep, you like?" I smiled. 

"I love it! Thanks R/g!" He hugged me once again, kissing me on the lips quickly and turning to it. 

"This is so awesome!" He grinned, acting like a child on Christmas. 

I laughed at him as he sat on it and fell over, so excited he forgot that it was only leaning on it's peg. 


Me: Alrighty!!! Done! Thank God! That took forever. Like I said before, i'm really sorry, and I hope you enjoy. Sorry if you don't like it, or find it a little boring. It's late where I am right now, and I have to go to bed in a little bit. So I had to rush a little, because I wanted to upload it today. For a little late Easter gift to you guys! BTW, Happy Easter! 


Leo: Weren't we supposed to do that earlier? 

Me: T-T Yes.. But I forgot. 

Raph: So why bother now? 

Mikey: Yeah?

Me: Because I wanted too, okay!

Donnie: Alright alright, sheesh. No need to get all cranky. 

Me: Call me cranky one more time, I dare thee!

Leo: Thee? 

Me: Shut it. 

Leo: *Raises hands in defense*.

Mikey: Raccoon, isn't there something you wanted to tell/ask the readers?

Me: There was? 

Raph: You wanted to tell them something about requests?

Me: There was! So, before I was writing this, I was reading a friend of mine's (Marie's) {donnie1013152} TMNT X Reader Oneshots. And thought about, if you guys wanted, that maybe after I right the 'Late nights and cuddles' section, that you guys would want to give me some requests? If you want me too, tell me in the comments, and in the next chapter i'll let you know if i'll be taking requests or not! Well that's all that needs to be said. Staaaaay-


Me: Peace out!

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