Late nights and cuddles: Leonardo

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L/g's Point of view. 

As we entered the dojo, I glanced over at Leo. He glanced over at me questionably. 

"So what's gonna happen?" He asks, totally confused and curious. 

I giggle a little, rolling my e/c eyes playfully. "I was thinking we could have a sort of, stay at home date? We've both been too busy to go out, and the dojo is one of your favorite rooms." 

The dojo had a blanket on the ground, along with a projector hooked up to something, it was shining on one of the walls. There were pillows on the ground with the blanket, along with some pizza gyoza, and a few candles were lit, lighting the dimly lit room. Leo looked around in pure awe, and then looked back down at me. 

"That sounds perfect." He smiles, pecking my forehead and wrapping an arm around me. 

I giggled and pecked his nose, we then walked over to the space where I got Master Splinter to secretly set up the stuff. We sat down on the blanket, where we sat side by side, are legs touching. I picked up the two plates with pizza gyoza, handing him one. Along with some chopsticks. 

He smiled and took them, popping one in his mouth. I then grabbed the laptop that was next to me, clicking play on a video. My laptop was hooked up to the projector, playing the video on the wall. 

It was a video I made, I took a bunch of photos and videos and put them all together of Leo and I.  

"You made this?" Leo looked over at me, slightly stunned. 

 I chuckled, nodding. "I did.. Like it?" 

He smiles and kisses my nose, (A/N: Like the gif above) "I love it, and I love you." 

We watched the video, along with some Space heroes episodes. Me knowing how much he loves them. We then cuddled, kissing each other once in awhile. We stayed up for hours just hanging out, it was times like these that'd I would remember forever. 

Soon, it was quiet in the lair, assuming everyone was asleep. Me and Leo were on the floor, me laying on his chest, our arms wrapped around each other. Both smiling, and trying to stay awake. 

"I love you Leo." I whisper, yawning shortly afterwards. 

"I love you more." Leo mumbles, eyes half closed. 

"I love you most." I whisper, finally falling asleep. Just barely feeling Leo's lips gently press on my hand. 

OMG! Sorry this took so dang long! I was kinda avoiding this book. :( xP xD Whoops. But I'M BACK!!!!! You guys did miss me, didn't you? 

Raph: No, not really. 

Raccoon: *Whacks him upside the head, glaring playfully* 

Raph: *Rubs his head, glaring back* Ow.. 

Mikey: Children, children, calm down. 

R&R: *Glares at him* 

Mikey: *Puts hands up in surrender* I was just kidding! 

Raccoon: *Smiles* I know, so was I. 

Mikey: *Rubs his head* Is that a trick question? 

Donnie: No, but you're too stupid to understand. 

Mikey: Hey! 

Leo: Donnie.. *Stern tone* 

Raph: Woah, D, what crawled up your shell this morning? You're acting like me, not like that's a bad thing. 

Raccoon: He's just having some thoughts, about a special person. *Smirks* 

Donnie: O///.///O Raccoon! 

Leo: O.O

Raph: O.O 

Mikey: *Truly confused* 

Raccoon: *Thinks about what she just said* NONONONO! Not in THAT way! *Shakes her hands in front of her frantically.* 

Leo,Raph,Don: *Sighs*

Mikey: Okay, what's going on? 

Us: Nothing! 

Mikey: Mhmm... *Doesn't believe us* 

Raccoon: Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. I actually am kinda excited to write the next chappie! 

Mikey: You better...*Mumbles*

Raccoon: *Rolls eyes* Alright, well have a good night/day everyone. And remember to.. 

Everyone: Staaaaaaay BEAUTIFUL ma RAINBOWS! 

Raccoon: Peace out~!

Raph: I hate how she makes us say that. 

Raccoon: *Hits him again* 

Raph: Ow! Hey!

R&R: *Sticks tongues out at each other*

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