Meeting HIM: Leonardo {XD}

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{Do not own video got off of youtube randomly!}

Finally schools over! And good thing it is Friday I am pooped! You thought. You walked out of the school and opened your IPhone to look at the time. 3:40 pm. I think I have time to go get something to eat from my favorite taco shop!

You thought. And you changed your direction to some taco shop. {Honestly I have no idea... O.O} As you walk there you hear banging in one of the alleys. She stop frightened. "H-help!" You hear someone yell. You gulp and slowly walked into the darkness of the alley! {Don't ask! XD} You see some mugger robbing a guy punching him. You walk up to the guy and take a deep breath.

"I'm only going to say this once... Drop everything and leave and stop hurting that guy and I wont call the cops or hurt you..." You say. The mugger smiles walking up to you. He blocks you in between a wall and himself. An evil smirk plastered on his face. "Hey honey... How bout you come with me and we can have some fun?" He says. He breath smells of alcohol and you try not to gag.

You take a deep breath steadying yourself. "Once again... Leave him and me alone drop everything you might have stole and leave if you do I will not call the cops or hurt you..." You say. He smirks slapping your butt. "Not today sexy..." He says you push him away. "I'm warning you stay back!" You say holding up your fists. The guy chuckles. "Sorry hon but-" You punch him in the face and that was your first mistake. He spit out blood and grabs your hair slamming you into the brick wall behind you. You wince in pain. Holding your head.

"That was wrong babe now your gonna pay!" He sneers he kicks you in the gut and you start to cry. Before he can plant another kick he is suddenly pulled into the darkness. You stay curled in a ball holding your head crying silently to yourself for a bit. Then when you hear banging sounds you sit up and curled your knees as close as possible. You saw the guy knocked unconscious in the ground.

You looked around and saw a figure in the shadows... He came up to you but not close enough for you to really see him. All you can see is his blue eyes. He gives you his hand which you except. "Are you ok miss?" He asks. You nod and wipe away your tears. "Th-thank you... You c-can call me (Y/n)" You say. He smiles although you cannot see him doing so.

"Leonardo...Uh.. But you can call me Leo.." He says. You smile as well. "Can I see my rescuer?" You ask. He hesitates for a moment before talking. "I don't think that would be a good idea..." He says. "Why?" You ask puzzled. He lets out a sigh. "Because... just... Promise you wont run away or scream?" He says you nod. He steps into the light and he is... a... well... he is a... giant... six foot tall... talking... mutant turtle. You are a little scared then you remember he just saved your life and you promised that you would not scream or leave. Without thinking you put a hand on his chest. Which he starts to blush at and his breath quickens.

You walk around him... examining him. You trace a pattern on his shell. Then come back to face him. "Wow..." You said. He blushed again. Something started to buzz and he took out a shell shaped thing that looked almost like a phone. When he clicked something and answered it you realized it was a phone. "Ya... I hear you... Ok... on my way... Yes... OK... Bye..." He said into it. Then hung up and faced you again. "I uh got to go.." He said you nodded. He turns around when you grab his arm. "Uh wait..." You say he turns around and watches you go through your bag. You pull out a note book and a pen. You rip a corner of paper off of a paper in the note book and scribbled something down on it. You then put your stuff away and handed it to him. He looked at it and smiled.

(Y/n) # 195 - 6007

He held it and looked at you. "Uh.. Th-thanks..." He stammered. You blushed a little. "Text or call me some time..." You say trying to keep your cool. He nods. "Will do.. Bye for now..." He says turning back around. "Good bye Leo..." You say before skipping all the way home...

How did you guys like I am SCREAMING inside! Like honestly OMG! *Does a happy dance*

Raph: *Walks in room* O.O Really? What happened this time in your weird mind of yours?

Me: Leo! Leo! Leo! Leo! *I squeal shaking him*

Leo: *Runs in* O.O What!? What wrong? OH uh.... *Stares at me dancing*

Me: Omg! Fangirling. Leo! OMG!

Leo: What?

Me: *Stops dancing* O///.///O Heh Leo how long have you been watching?

Leo: Long enough to see you shake Raph and dance and yell me name...

Raph: Ya what was with that... What's going on?

Me: O///.///O Heh! I was kind of... writing a part of my story about Leo... And how he meets his lover... And... Heh...

Leo: O///.///O Wait Wh-what!?

Me: Ya... Wanna see? *Hands phone*

Leo: *Grabs phone and scans the chapter blushing after wards* Y-you can't post this...

Me: To late! *Smirks grabs phone*

Leo: *Takes deep breaths*

Raph: O.O Uh oh...

Me: Uh so... I got to go guys cuz Leo is having a melt down... But love you lots.. and bye... And ahhh! *Runs*

Leo: *Chasing me* You are so dead Raccoon!

{Hey its me nick name!}

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