Texting HIM: Leonardo {XD}

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You were sitting on your bed on your phone on Instagram. You liked a few pictures and videos and laughed at some as well. You sat up in bed bored. You've been on Insta for a long time... You read the same book about five times. And watched the same few episodes over and over and over again. You had enough. You walked around your room back and forth.

You opened your closet and took out your drawing book. You started to draw something on a new page when your phone buzzed.

Leo: Hey it's Leo... Like Leonardo the guy/turtle who saved you...

(Y/n): Oh ya hey! What's up? :)

Leo: Nothing much my brothers and ticking me off though... wbu?

(Y/n): Brothers!? Cool... And just bored out of my mind... I swear if I see one more (Fave tv show) season 1 episode 3 I am going to scream.. LOL XD

Leo: Ha ha! Hey maybe.. Wanna do something I could come over and keep you company and get away from my bros at the same time! :)

(Y/n): Sure sounds awesome!

With that you texted him your address and and he said he would be there in a few minutes. You were so exited you left your drawing on your bed, and go changed in the bathroom. But before you left your room you unlocked your window in case Leo arrived before you came in your room.

As you left a little bit later Leo arrived. Her opened your window to find you not here. He looked around your room a bit. He liked all of the posters you had of kittens and puppies. He thought it was cute. {Don't tell him I told you guy's he thinks puppies and kittens are cute! HA HA! XD} He sat down on your bed to see your drawing book.

He didn't really wanna snoop but he wanted to see what you drew. He picked it up and opened it. There were a few pictures of puppies and kittens he scrolled through them to find a drawing of himself.

Wow... she's really good! And... Wow..

He thought. Right as he was admiring himself and how well you could draw you walk in. "Leo!" You say as he jumps not realizing you came in. "Oh uh.. (Y/n) I'm sorry... I-I didn't mean to snoop I-I just..." He said blushing... You smile. "You like?" You say. He seems a bit shocked at how you react but smiles back. "Ya it's really good..." He said blushing. "Good i'm glad you like it..." You say. He smiles. "So what do you wanna do?" Asked Leo. You shrugged. "Do you like space heroes?" You ask. Leo beams. "Ya it's like the best show ever!" He says. You smile. "I know right! It's awesome!" You say. You search the tv for Space Heroes and as soon as you find it. You go make popcorn and some (Fave drink) and come back in. As the two of you are watching tv you go to get some popcorn when you put your hand in all your bring back is the kernels.

You look over at Leo who has a hand full of popcorn eyes glued to the tv. You hit his arm playfully and he jumps. "You ate all the popcorn!" You laugh. He joins you and the two of you eat popcorn and watch stuff all night.

OMG! That was beautiful. Omg Leo and (Y/N) sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G. first comes love. Then comes marriage then comes a baby in a baby carriage.

Leo: *Walks in* What the What! O.O

Me: O///.///O Oh Leo Hi! Just um... Writing about you again!

Leo: Again really come on Raccoon! *sighs*

Me: Oh come on I know you love all of the fans!

Mikey: *Comes running in* OMG Raccoon I can't believe Leo thinks puppies and kittens are cute! Wait um... Hi leo.. Heh. O.O

Me: *Face palms* Mikey!

Leo: YOU WHAT! You put in your story that I think puppies and kittens are cute! >:(

Me: Sorry? :| Heh... Well how about you don't chase me and I will add something embarrassing for the others.

Leo: Fine! But only if I can choose Raphs thing and choose the next chapter after this one!

Me: Deal! *Shakes hands with Leo* Now my rose petals! I am going to have to log off now and say good bye! And then chase MIKEY FOR SPILLING MY SECRET! Bye rose petals! *Turns to Mike with a smirk*

Mikey: Uh oh... *Runs*

Me: Get back here you son of a SQUIRREL! Or RAT! *Chases*

Leo: *Face palms while sighing* I guess I am going to have to log off.. Uh good bye Raccoon's rose petals! *Logs off*

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