First Fight: Raphael (REQUEST)

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// okay guy, so right now I'm currently at my grandparents farm. I come here when I can to hang with ma grandparents because you never know when it's your time to go. And I love them and hardly get to see them. No Wi-Fi, so I can't publish anything. But I can write. So I decided to get off my lazy ass and finally write something. For you guys. :) so I hope you all enjoy!!//

(Third person point of view)

R/g looked out at the city on a rooftop, her body was shaking slightly, as tears fell down her face, one by one. All she was wearing was a long sleeve shirt and pajama pants. The wind whipped around, making her more cold than before. Her breathing came out in rapid breaths as she rubbed her hands over her arms in hope of staying warm. She leaned against an air vent and slid down it, sobs racking through her body as the memory of the fight replayed in her mind.

Which ended up only hurting her more. She began to cry harder, her chest rising and falling at an uneven pace. She rocked herself slightly as she closed her eyes and rubbed them.

Why did he do this to me?

She thought.


R/g was going to the lair, she had just finished school/work, and had a long exhausting day, all she wanted to do was cuddle with Raphie. Though something happened that she didn't expect.

As she was walking into the lair, she looked around for anyone, but saw nothing. Which was strange for her. She walked farther into the lair and felt her heart speed up. Than she heard a loud bang and rushed to the source. But a pair of arms stopped her, she turned quickly and saw Mikey. His eyes were wide and slightly teary.

"R/g! I wouldn't go there if I were you..." He mumbled, seeming to want to keep his voice down.

R/g raised a brow, confused. "Why? What's going on?" She was concerned, and though part of her wanted to rush in and see what's going on, the other part wanted to stay and make sure Mikey was okay.

Mikey hesitated, seeming unsure whether he should say something or not. "I just.. I can't.. Just please.. Stay here." His bottom lip slightly quivered, and R/g's heart melted at the sight. She smiled reassuringly, and put a hand on his shoulder. 

"Mike.. You can trust me.. Please, tell me what's going on.." 

Mikey let out a quiet whimper, "Raph and Leo are fighting again.. It's really bad this time.." 

R/g sighed, and wrapped her arms around the innocent, fragile, turtle teen, in front of her. She cooed softly, and rocked him gently, as he cried in her arms. After a little while, the shouting in the other room was loud and clear, though you couldn't quite understand what the shouting was all about. Mikey had stopped crying, and was now only hiccuping and sniffling. R/g had set him on the couch and gave him some pizza and jellybeans, to calm him down a little. She then put on Crognard for him, knowing he really loved the show. 

Once R/g felt like he was distracted enough, she quietly got out of the living room and into the dojo, where all of the fighting was heard. Peeking in, there she saw, Leo and Raph. Both glaring at one another, and both shouting. It seemed to be getting to a bad part, since they were both in the others face, ready to knock the other down. 

R/g sighed and opened the dojo door and little more, she wished that Master Splinter hadn't of gone off on a trip by himself, and could be here to sort this all out. But seeing as Donnie was out looking for parts for his inventions, and that she was the only other one here besides Mikey, she felt like she was responsible for making sure nothing truly bad did happen. 

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