Meeting HIM: Raphael {XP}

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You were walking to the ice cream shop... You were craving ice cream. I was 5:30. You walked passed and alley when someone grabbed your waist and covered your mouth and pulled you into the darkness. You bit whoever took you and spun around. It was your ex. Caleb. {Sorry if your name is Caleb...}

"What the heck! Leave me alone Caleb! I broke up with you remember!" You snapped. He smirked. "I still love you remember?" He said. You rolled your eyes. "I think you should look up the word definition of love because last time I checked... You don't know a thing about it!" You yelled. He grabbed your waist and shoved you against a building. "Listen here babe." He said. "Last time I checked you were an ugly fat pig! Who drooled over me!" He sneered. I chuckled. "Lets get something straight... I might have liked you at first but after how you treated me... Never again am I making that mistake... And also... Roses are red violets are blue, God made us all beautiful... What the hell happened to you?"

You said. This ticked him off. "You wanna play smart ass? Then lets play!" He sneered holding you against your will... He moved closer to you, you kicked him in the shin. "Ow what the heck babe..." He yelled. "Lets get something straight! I. Am. Not. Your. BABE!" You spit stomping on his foot. He let go of you and spun around he grabbed your wrist and held on so tight that you could almost feel the bruise appearing.

You whimpered in pain. "Well (Y/n) you've been a very naughty girl... Good thing I know all about punishments.." He said. You gulped. Now you pisses him off. All of the sudden someone grabbed him and threw him off. You were about to spray pepper spray at Caleb but missed and sprayed the other guy. You heard banging sounds and I "OK ok... I surrender." I before you know it Caleb is running out of the alley. You see a tall figure stand before you. You squint in the dark trying to get a better look at him.

All you can really make out is his dark green eyes. And him rubbing them. "Ow what was that for?" He said. You looked down at your now swollen and bruised wrist. You mumbled something. "Uh... Aren't you gonna thank me?" The guy asked. You chuckled. "I didn't need any saving I was doing fine on my own!" You say. "Well it didn't look like that to me.. Do you know him?" He asked. You looked down at your feet and shifted them uncomfortably. "I uh... Might know him from some where.." You say. He sighs. "Do you know him yes or not?" He asks. You really hope he wont press you to talk about it looks like your gonna have to. "He uh... Was my ex..." You mumble. The guy chuckles. "Girls... Always picking jerks of boy friends..." He said to himself. You boiled at this. "It wasn't my fault ok! He tricked me! He was the one hurting me not the other way around! I am not stupid! And who do you think you are telling me about who I should and shouldn't date!" You spat. He was shocked.

"Look... I-I'm sorry I didn't mean it..." He said. You looked down. "Sorry for yelling..." You mumbled. "Well.. Uh... I gotta go..." He says. He goes to turn around. When you grab his hand. "Uh... er... I um... Look..." You sigh. "I'm sorry for the pepper spray." You say. He nods in the wrong direction. "It's ok..." He says looking the wrong was. "Um can you see?" You ask. He stays quiet for a moment. "Um.. Not really..." You giggle. "Whats so funny. He asks." You pull out the pepper spray and you brought the wrong one. "Great..." You mumble. "I um... Kind of used the wrong spray... You need to wash it out with water.." I said. He sighed. "Um... Might I ask what your name is?" You ask.

"Raphael... You can call me Raph.." He said. You nodded even though he couldnt see you. "Raph... Can I see what you look like?" You ask. You hadn't realized till now that you still held his hand.. Because he tensed up a bit. "I uh.. Don't think you should... " He mumbled. "Why not?" You aksed. "I.. Uh.. Only if you promise not to run away or scream or anything like that.." He says. "I promise... Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cup cake in my eye." You said doing the actions to it. "What was that? Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cup cake in my eye? What?" You giggled. "Nothing.." Raph sighed and walked into the light. Then you saw that... He... Well... He was... A ... Turtle. You grabbed his shoulder and make him face you.

"Uh Raph?" "Ya?" He asked preparing himself for a girl screaming and running away leaving him in a alley and could not see. "I have some water in my bag... You could use it to wash you eyes..." You say. He nods. You hand him the water and watch as he washes his eyes with it... Getting all wet while doing so. You hold back a fit of giggles. He rubs his eyes and hands you the bottle which is now empty. He smiles as he see you. He puts his hand in front of his face. "How many fingers am I holding?" You ask doing the peace sign. "Two.." He said you nodded. You grabbed a pen out of you bag and grabbed his arm. You wrote you number on it and he did the same to yours. "Call or text me sometime.." You say he nods before leaving. While he leaves he looks at his arm. "(Y/n).." He says.

OMG! Fangirling right now! He he he! Raph is gonna love this!

Raph: I'm gonna love what?

Me: Raph! Hi! What's up! Nothing! Pineapples! *Hides phone behind back*

Raph: Oh really whatcha hiding then?

Me: O.O Nothing!

Raph: Mhmmmm Come on show me!

Me: *giggles and smirks* *shows phone*

Raph: What the heck you wrote about me to!

Me: Ya! But only for the fan girls out there like myself.

Raph: Great!

Me: Don't be such I snooty puss.

Raph: *sighs*

Me: *Phone beeps* OOOH! AWWWW!

Raph: What?

Me: Shoot! *Hides phone behind back* Nothing it's uh just a picture of y-Chris Hemsworth!

Raph: Suuuuuure Show me!

Me: No!

Raph: Raccoon!

Me: No!

Raph: *Grabs phone* O///.///O Who who gave you these?

Me: *Takes phone back* I uh... Might have... Been snooping in your room and fond baby pictures... And snapped a pic on my phone!

Raph: That's it you are gonna get it! >:(

Me: O.O Ok Bye peeps talk to ya later! *runs away from Raph*

Mikey, Donnie, Leo: *watching whole thing eating food or drinking soda*

𝐭𝐦𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now