Meeting the others: Donatello

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%Y/n% 's P.O.V.

I was at the library looking for some new books. I had just finished my last series of Warrior cats. (Yes I love Warrior cats they are bae!)

I found the next book in the series. Yasss! I twirled around and almost screamed. I looked for the second one but it was not there. I frowned a little and walked up to the librarian. "Why hello Miss. %Y/n%, find everything you were looking for?" She said smiling. "Do you have the second book to this?" I asked showing her the book. 

She typed a few things in her computer. And shook her head a little. "I'm sorry but someone took that one out a while ago they should return it Wednesday you could some back." She said smiling. I nod. "Ok thanks can I check this one out?" I say. "Of course." She scans it and then my card. I smile as she hands the book to me. "Thank you." I say. "Your welcome." My phone buzzes and I groan. "I got to go mom needs me me. Bye Mrs. Greenwood!" I say waving. She waves back. "Good bye dear. Tell you mother I said hello." I smile. "I will." She hands me a chocolate heart. "Oh and happy Valentines day." I smile. "You to." And with that I leave.

I do a little skip holding the book close to me. Smiling. I do a twirl ignoring all the stares. "I can't wait to read you when I get home!" I squeal holding the book out. Just then I hear thunder clouds. I look up and it starts to pour. I shove my book in my bag. "Oh no no no!" I say. I look at my watch. It was 12:00 pm. I left to go to the library at 7:00. "I was there all morning! Crap I got to go meet Donnie soon. And I look like a mess." I say. I start to run to my house. I have to cross a field. Yay. 

I splash in the mud still running. Mud splashing on my face in my hair. "I hope I have time to shower for Don." I mumble. I slip and fall on my butt. I moan and get up slipping again. "Oh come on!" I flop down laying on my back. Cold icy water droplets splashing on my face.I sigh and close my eyes. "Need a little help there?" I hear someone chuckle. I recognize their voice instantly. I giggle and blush in embarrassment. I open my eye and go to sit up slipping down again. Donnie laughs so hard he puts his hand on his knees. 

"You... Were... Late... So... I... Came... To... See...If... You were ok.." He said in between laughing. I playfully pout. "I lost tract of time at the library and then I guess you know what happened on my way home.." I say. He nods and gets up. Extending me a hand. I smirk and he cockes an eye brow. I pull down hard making him fall in the mud. I laugh and he groans. "Really?" He says. I nod. "Really." 

"Oh your going to get it!" He smirks throwing mud at me. I gasp as it hits my back. "Oh your on!" I say grabbing a hand full and smashing it in his face. Laughing hard in the process. He chuckles wiping his face and we have a mud fight. Finally both of us covered in mud we walk to my house. My parents out on a date. 

I take him into the backyard. "So you have a shower in your backyard?" He says. I giggle. "Nope." I say popping the p. I turn the hose on and spray him. I laugh as he yelps. "It's c-cold." He stutters shaking a little. I laugh. "Well no one coming in the house until were clean enough to." I say. He chuckles. I hose him off. I make him take off his bandanna. Which he does not like. And hose his head. He is shaking by the time we are done. I laugh. He smirks. "Your turn." He says. I hand him the hose and he spray me. I giggle and squeal a lot. He chases me a lot to. 

I laugh. He turns the hose down a little and moves his free hand through my hair. Taking all the mud out of it. He pulls slightly at the roots and I close my eyes. He chuckles see me and stops. "No just a little while longer." I moan. He laughs and continues. After a while of shaking we go in the house. I get him a towel and I go and change in my room. Leaving him in the living room. 

Once done changing I go into the kitchen and make some hot chocolate. I walk into the living room and hand Don a cup. He smiles and take it. I kiss his cheek. He blushes a lot and sways a bit. I giggle taking the cup out of his hands and putting it on the coffee table. "You ok Don?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Yup. Just a little dizzy thats all." I giggle and kiss him on the lips. And surprisingly he kisses back. 

After a while of laughing and drinking hot chocolate. Donnie falls alseep on my couch. I giggle as my phone buzzes. 

Mom: Hey me and dad are going to go out of town for a bit. We are already at a hotel. We will be back next weekend. Srry. Love you though!

I sigh. 

%Y/n%: Ok. 

After that Donnie gets up. "Hey how bout we go meet my brothers and father?" He says. I smile. "Why not." I say as we get up. He hands me a purple flower and a small box of chocolates. "Oh and happy Valentines day." He says. I smile and kiss him on the cheek. "Thanks Donald the duck." I say. He laughs. "No problem." I hand him a few chocolates and we eat them on the way to the lair. Well thats what Don calls it. 

We walk into the sewers. And keep walking for a while. I yawn. Don chuckles. "Tired?" He says. I nod. He picks me up like a baby and I lean on him. Soon I fall asleep. Soon I feel someone shake me a little. I look up at Don. Who is smiling. "Were here." He says. I nod as he lets me go. I walk into the lair with Don. I look around and see two other turtles with girls by their sides. "Hello I am %Y/n%, Donnie's girlfriend." I say as she waves and shakes my hand. 

She smiles and so do I. "#Y/n# Leo's girlfriend." She says. I nod and walk towards the next girl. "Hello rainbow cupcake! I am *Y/n* Mikestars gf. Gosh I love saying that!" She says giving me a high five. I giggle. "Hello I am %Y/n% Donald the ducks gf." I say. She giggles as well. The one named Mikey laughs. "Donald the duck! Thats a good one." I giggle as we high five. Donnie blushes. "Hey no one but %Y/n% can call me that." He playfully pouts. I giggle. Just then I hear talking. I turn around and see who Donnie told me was Raphael. 

There was a girl with him. And she was talking to Leo's girl. Just then a giant rat came into the room. "What's going on?" He says. And I black out. 

HOLY CHEESE! Pieces connecting and the next chapters after this one will be I have no idea so please give me some ideas in the comments. 

Donnie: Who are you talking to?

Me: The watt pad/tmnt fans. Who else?

Donnie: Yourself... Well what happened in this chapter?

Mikey: OOOOH is Donatello liking the tmnt boyfriend scenarios now!?

Donnie: NO.

Me: Suuuuure.

Leo: Move Raccoon I can't see the tv.

Me: Leo Space heroes really

Leo: Shhh and don't judge. 

Raph: Hey Raccoon wanna judge?>:)

Me: *laughs evily* See you next chapie peeps. Mama gots some things to do. Or turtles to make fun of. Byers. 

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