First Fight: Leonardo (REQUEST)

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//Hey guys, so i'm gonna try and do all of the requests in order, and the next one was a first fight request, and a lot of people wanted a first fight, so here it is.  Let me know which one you'd prefer, (1) all of the turtles in one chapter, or, (2) each turtle gets their own chapter? Let me know in the comments. Now let's just get into the chapter shall we? :)//

(Ps. the video goes well with the chappie, if you want you should listen to it while reading..)

Third person point of view;

L/g curled up in a ball in the closet in her bedroom at her house. Quiet sobs racked through her body, as it shook  with each one. Tears flooded down her flushed cheeks, as she rocked slightly. The events from earlier replaying in her head over and over. She took in a breath and ran her palms over her cheeks, trying desperately to rid herself from her tears.

L/g leaned against the back of the closet, and tilted her head up, taking in uneven breaths as another tear fell down her face. Before she could stop herself, she began to cry again, they just fell down her face rapidly, her sides heaved with wanting air that just couldn't come. Why? She thought. Why me?

~Flashback, brought to you by Hannah Baker~

(Your point of view)

Sometimes it can be hard to listen to someone, even when part of you wants to, and the other wants to ignore it. I should know because it happened to me.. And sometimes, I wish I can go back in time. But I know it's impossible...


I walked through the sewers, excited to go to the lair, but more excited to see my boyfriend. I can't believe i'm actually dating someone, let along a giant talking handsome mutant turtle, Leonardo Hamato. The perfect name for the perfect guy. Yes, some may say that is cheesy, but who doesn't like to be cheesy from time to time? I continued to make my way to the lair, a bit of a skip in my step. As I got there, I looked around to see if I could see the said turtle. Though he was no where in sight. I shrugged as a pair of arms wrapped around me, I shrieked and looked down to see Mikey hugging me.

"Yay! You're back!" He grinned, making me giggle.

"That I am Mike-n-ike." I pat him a little awkwardly and  smile. "So where's Leo?" I ask.

Mikey smiled and stood up, releasing me. "In the dojo, meditating."

I chuckled a little, 'of course'. I thought.

"Want something to eat? I was just about to make something." He grinned, and who could say no to that face, I smiled back and nodded. "Sure."

Mikey grabbed my hand and took me into the kitchen, where a pot of ramen noodles was on the stove. I sat at the table while he put some into a bowl for me. He set it in front of me with a smile and I dug in happily. After eating and talking for a while with Mikey, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my neck, I smiled and looked up to see no other than Leo.

"Hey." He grinned.

"Hey." I smiled back, Mikey smirked and got up, leaving us alone.

"I've missed you.." I replied, standing up and turning around so that I was facing him. Leo chuckled, leaning his forehead against my own.

"I've missed you too." He whispered, glancing down at my lips for a second.

I smirked a little and closed the small gap between us, gently pressing my lips against his own. He smirked as well and pulled me closer, one hand resting on my waist while the other caressed my cheek gently. My hands were placed on his shoulders as I stood on my tip toes so that I could reach him. We kissed for a while before air was needed and we had to pull apart. Both of us panting a little as I opened my eyes to meet ocean blue ones. I smiled and gently pecked his nose.

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