Cover Contest Winners!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

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I know I know.. You don't have to say it.. This is long overdue. I'm sorry. XD

As i've said before, summer is one of the busiest times for me because I see a bunch of family that I don't see normally. And even if I wanted to take some time off of them and write or something, my mom doesn't always let me. So if you are really gonna blame anyone, blame my mom. XD

I love her, don't send any hate about her, she's one of my best friends. CX 

Anyways, because Wattpad changed everything and because I can be stupid sometimes, I can't really show you guys the photo covers. Sadly.. But I will still say who won and all that below. 

Alright, before I reveal the winners, I just want to thank everyone for sticking with me, for being so patient with me. And for reading my stories and loving and supporting me so much. It means the absolute world to me. So thank you guys so much. XD I love you all! xoxo

Sadly, not everyone could win, so I apologise in advance if you didn't win. I truly did think that all of the covers were great. You guys did such an awesome job! It was really really hard to pick the winners. You guys are all amazing!

Alright, I'm going to stop rambling and cut to the chase.. XP

First Place: (This prize includes: a shout out, a follow, your cover as the cover for this story, up to three chapters in this story for you.) The winner is: OWLNOISES CONGRATULATIONS! You have one first place! Your art is now the new cover of this story, it was awesome!! :D xo I'll message you and we can go over more details! 

Second Place:  (This prize includes: a shout out, a follow, one chapter in this story for you!) The Winner is: Spacey_Boi CONGRATS!! You have one second place! Your cover was really good, I loved it so much! Thank you for entering! I'll message you and we can go over more details!

Third Place: (This prize includes: A shout out, a follow, a drawing for you done by me!) The winner is: Shadamyfan38 CONGRATULATIONS! You did an awesome cover! Thanks for entering!! I'll also message you and we can go over more details!!! 

Forth Place: (This prize includes: A shout out, a follow, and a friend! :O) The winner is: Rapheal_fan CONGRATS~! I loved your cover, it was great! I mean the friend bit, if you want to talk about something, or RP (because I RP.. Not everyone knows that! XD) or anything! Like advice or something! I'm there! Message me if you want! :P 

Thank you all for entering! 

Any covers that didn't win I apologise! But all of the entries I received I loved! You all did awesome jobs! 

And remember to staaaaay BEAUTIFUL ma RAINBOWS~! 

Peace out! 


ps. i love you all you are all so beautiful and amazing, i love you all so much! remember that!! xoxoxo

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