The Big Apology - Raphael (REQUEST)

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//I couldn't find a good enough gif.. D: I'm going to try an update this book at least once a week, so I hope you enjoy that. :) Enjoy this section of the tmnt bf scenarios! I'll talk to you after the chappie! BYE~//

((Third Person POV))

1 & 1/2 months later~

Y/n sat down on her bed, looking out at her window. She looked out at the city, it was anything but quiet. She let out a small sigh, running a hand through her hair and pulling at the roots to try and relieve any stress. She wished she didn't feel this way, she wished she could just get over the guy who destroyed her. But she couldn't. No matter how hard she tried, Y/n couldn't get him out of her thoughts. She just wanted to forget about him, but he wouldn't leave her alone. He was constantly texting or calling her. He'd even appeared at her place a few times. Though she would never talk to him or see him. Much to his dismay. It was killing Raphael too. All he wanted to do was apologise. To make things right again. Not being with Y/n was killing him, he hated every agonising second of it. He hated feeling this way, but at the same time, he didn't really care. He didn't care what others thought about him, all he wanted was to make sure she was okay. She was the only thing on his mind. He stopped caring about himself. It was getting ridiculous. Every time he tried to talk to her, see her even, she would shut him down. He knew he made a mistake, a horrible, terrible mistake. He'd do anything to take it back. But he couldn't, now he had to live with this horrible mistake, and live without Y/n in his life. 

The thought alone drove him nuts. He just wanted to hold her again, to see her smile, hear her laugh. He just wanted her. The longer this went on, the longer it drove him to complete and utter misery. He didn't eat as much as he should, he stayed in his room a lot. His brothers were getting worried. 

Y/n moved out of her room to grab herself a bottle of water. When she came back, her window was open ajar, she shivered and grabbed a sweater, slipping it onto her body. Then she closed the window, sitting down on her bed, and looking down at her floor. 

She heard a tap on the window, her gaze wandered up from the floor and over to it, only to spot the famous turtle himself.. Her heart hammered in her chest at the sight of him. He looked terrible, to say the least. But she tried not to feel any pity towards him. She tried not to feel any other emotions besides anger and hate towards him for that matter. She sighed, why couldn't he just forget about her? She got up and moved over to the window, opening it up and glaring at him. 

"What the fuck do you want?" She tried to sound as angry and hateful as possible, though her voice cracked a little, her plan failing. She internally slapped herself for that one.

"I-I just want to talk.." He muttered, his own voice cracking. It was hoarse, like he hadn't spoke in a while. 

Y/n stared at him for a moment or two, her expression unreadable. 

"You have five minutes." She stepped away from the window and allowed him to crawl inside of her bedroom. 

He did just that, closing the window after himself, he fiddled with his fingers for a moment, looking down, opening and closing his mouth a few times. Almost as if he didn't know what to say or where to start.

"Your time is flying by.." She mumbled. 

He looked up at her, his expression soft. "God, Y/n.. I'm.. I'm so sorry.." He whispered. 

"I don't want your fake apology, Raphael." She sat back down on her bed, still looking up at him. 

"But it's not fake.. I really mean it. Y/n, you have no idea.. how much hell this whole thing has been for me-" 

She started to laugh, "Hell? This has been hell for you? So what, it's been all rainbows and unicorns for me?!" 

"No! No! I didn't mean-"

"Don't bother Raph!" She stood back up, "This was a mistake, I think you should leave." 

"Y/n please-" 

"You know what, actually I think this whole entire things been a mistake! Our whole relationship for starters!"


"NO! Raph! I'm tired of it! .. I'm tired of every single moment of it.. You.." She looked down, shaking her head softly, "You ruined everything.. You broke.. My heart.. And then you have the nerve to come over here and tell me how much fucking hell you've been through!" 

She glared back over at him, "I trusted you! You were my everything! I FUCKING LOVED YOU AND YOU HAD TO THROW IT ALL AWAY!" 

"Y/n i'm sorry, please just listen-" He took a step forward, but she took another step back. 

"I'm tired of listening! All I ever do is listen! I'm done! I'm so fucking done! With you, with everything! I just want to forget it all!" She had tears pouring down her face, she didn't even realise it. 

Raph didn't know what to say, his own tears fell from his cheeks. 

"Just do me a favour and leave. I don't want to fucking see you ever again. I don't care where you go or what the hell happens, just.. Stay away from me and my life. Don't text me, don't call me, don't come back here. Get the hell out." Her heart broke, she sat back down on her bed, looking back at her feet, her tears streaming down her face and falling on her lap. 

She heard the window slide open and then close again, she glanced back up, and he was gone. He was really gone. She broke down, sobbing into her hands. It hurt her to say those things, it shouldn't have, they were necessary, but it did. She just wanted to either forget about him and move on.. Or just go back to the way everything was before this whole mess happened. She couldn't help it, she couldn't help the way she felt. She was tired of everything. She just wanted to be left alone. 

She was just done. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

This was probably better than the Leo one in my opinion.. Idk.. What do you think? 

It definitely gave me the feels! I feel bad for both the reader and Raph! I can't wait to see what happens next with the two of them! And what happens with Don and Mike. Keep an eye out for that. 

If you haven't read the little note thingy above the chappie, I am planning on trying to update this book  at least once a week now. If this works out, i'm planning on (maybe) picking a certain day that the chappies/updates will come out. Like Friday or something. idk. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. i'd get the guys out here, but they're in the middle of a huge training thing, they've been slacking and Master Splinter will have nothing of it. XD XP 

Casey: But I'm here! 

Me: Nobody cares about you Case, they're only here for the turts. 

Casey: Awe.. I've got to have some fans out there though, right? 

Me: I'm your fan! 

Casey: *smirks* Of course you are. 

Me: T-T Don't get too full of yourself, Jones. But, if you guys would like me to add  Casey to this, just let me know. I actually wouldn't mind doing so, because Case makes my day sometimes, he can be really funny. 

Casey: *grins* 

Me: Anyways.. Just comment down below if you would like me to add Casey, or any other character from the TMNT 2012 version. Kay? :D 

Casey: And remember to..


Me & Case: PEACE OUT! 

ps. some of the faces Raph make when he talks can be really funny/cute! ^-^ (example: gif above)

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