Spooders Are Scary - Raphael (REQUEST)

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//WELP I'M A F*CKING BIOTCH! I know I know, this should have been up forever ago, I'M SORRY, i'm not going to explain myself, cause then this note would be really looooong. This request is by.. (I have to go check hold on a sec) TMNT22 

Ye~! Sorry that was weird, I've just been watching a bunch of YT of late.. I'm going to stop now. This has been delayed for too long, and i'm just going to hop in and write whatever my stupid heart desires! UGH! Okay, I gotta start or else this will never get finished and then i'll go die in a hole or some shit. Thank you for waiting.//

Luna and Rose (YES I'M IN THIS THANG BECAUSE I CAN BE, DEAL WITH IT.. jk..) were walking in the sewers towards the lair. Both talking about random shit, a smile on both of their faces, as they approached the lair, they were greeted by the turtles, all of them being in the living room at the time, hearing them laughing, making them look over. 

"Hey guys, what are you laughing about?" Leo asked. 

Rose grinned to herself, still laughing like the total dork she is, she plopped down on the couch beside Mikey, wiping at some tears that slipped from her eyes. (Quick side note, when I'm nervous I laugh a lot, so this is kinda what she's doing here). 

Luna grins a little, "Just a random joke, it's nothing special." She sends her friend a small smile and looks back over at the others, sitting next to Raph. 

Rose blushes and coughs slightly, "Yeah! It's all good.. Anyways.. What were you guys up to?" She spoke, trying to make conversation.

"Just watching a movie." Donnie said, looking up from his laptop. 

"Well we were watching a movie, Donnie's been on his laptop all day." Mikey grinned. 

"I'm working on something." He chuckled, looking back down and typing something. 

"What are you working on?" Luna asks. 

"It's a surprise." He says, sticking his tongue out a little, his fingers dashing over the keyboard. 

Luna nods, "Okay.." She hums. 

"So.." Leo chimes in. 

"So.." They mutter back. 

"What do you guys want to do?" Leo asks.

"We could.. um.." Mikey starts. 

"We.. No.. that's stupid.. I have no idea." Rose admits. 

"We could go do something in the dojo?" Raph speaks up, sitting up a bit. 

"Sure." Luna smiles, blushing a little as Raph's gaze landed on her own. She looked away for a moment and tried to stop staring. He might think it's because he's a weird mutant, or something, but that was wrong, Luna had a really big crush on Raph, and little did she know, those feelings were returned. 

They all stood up and walked into the dojo, forcing Donnie to get off his laptop and do whatever in the dojo. But, sadly he brought it in with him and sat on the floor, continuing to work on whatever he was working on in there. 

Everyone just kind of stood around, an awkward silence filling the room. 

"What now?" Mikey asked. 

Rose shrugged, looking at her feet. 

"We could spar." Luna spoke, getting an idea, she looked over at Raph, "You wanna get your butt kicked by a girl?" She asked with a small smirk on her lips. 

Raph blushed a bit, but it wasn't very visible. "You wish, c'mon shorty." He walked over towards her, "With or without weapons?" 

"Without." She grinned, getting into a stance. 

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