The Big Apology - Michelangelo (REQUEST)

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  ↓ ↓ Important Please Read!! ↓ ↓

//This is not fake, you are not seeing things.. Yes, I have finally decided to update this book with an actual chapter. You're welcome. So before you dive into the story, I have something important for you to know. I was supposed to go down to this lake for around a week, my family and me were bringing down the RV and were going to stay there for a whole week, Monday to Monday. Then my parents decided to buy a permanent spot for the whole year.. Now for the rest of the summer they want me to stay down there. Which, btw, has no internet/wifi. Which means no updates/chapters. Or any communication for the rest of the summer. Joy.. (note my sarcasm) I have tried everything to get them to agree to let me stay home for a bit by myself, but they keep saying no.. DX The only reason you are even seeing this is because my aunt, uncle, and cousins who were also staying down there, were going home today and I was able to convince my mom to let me leave and go home for the night, since my father is driving down to the lake tomorrow.. I know it's a little confusing. Basically, all i'm saying is, if I don't manage to convince them to let me come home earlier. Than that means no chapters or updates or messages or anything, for the rest of my summer. Keep in mind that my summer may be different than yours, seeing as i'm homeschooled and stuff.. So if you don't see any notifications or anything from me that is why. I will sadly be gone, off of the radar. Anyways, enough with my rambling. I'll let you dive into the chapter now. I hope you enjoyed it, it's kinda crappy since I just kinda whipped it up at 1:00 in the damn morning yesterday. XD Enjoy?//

1 & 1/2 months later~

Y/n glanced down at the scale she was standing on, a small frown formed on her lips as she sighed and stepped off. She kicked the scale angrily and winced. She closed her eyes for a moment and leaned back against one of the walls in her bathroom. She ran a hand through her hair and pulled at the roots slightly. Ever since her fight with Mikey it was like she changed, she was a whole new person now. She was constantly working out and eating as little as possible. Only sometimes having one meal a day, sometimes she'd even not eat at all. It really wasn't healthy, and she new that.. But she couldn't see a difference in her body, and it was driving her crazy.

Over the past month and a half, Mikey had tried to apologise to Y/n. He tried everything, from texting, to calling, to sending her sweet gifts, leaving her little notes, to trying to talk to her in person. But no matter how hard he tried, so wouldn't have any of it. And it was killing him. It hurt him knowing that he said those things to the one person he loved the most in the world. It hurt him knowing that he hurt her physically. And not only was this knowledge hurting him emotionally and mentally, but it was physically making him sick. Mikey had lost count of the times he had thrown up.

Y/n left the bathroom slowly and sniffed softly, she moved over towards her couch in the living room and sat down. She turned the TV on and began to watch Avatar The Last Air Bender. She really needed to hear some of Sokka's strange and weird humour right now. Her stomach growled viciously as she watched them eat. She placed a hand over it as she felt her mouth water.

"Damn, that really does look good, huh?"

The voice startled her, Y/n jumped up and grabbed the first thing in sigh, a spoon. She held it out, her eyes widened slightly as she noticed who it was. Mikey, the one who made her feel so insecure. Her gaze slowly changed into a glare.

"A spoon, really?" Mikey asked.

Y/n's glared hardened as she threw it at him, hitting him in the chest.

"..Ow.." Mikey mumbled, he sighed softly, he really did look terrible, to Y/n anyways.

"Y/n.. Please hear me out.." He begged, his baby blue eyes pleading as he took a step towards her.

Y/n stared at him blankly, she said nothing, after a few minutes, she turned around and sat back down on the couch, her eyes wandering back over to the tv.

Mikey sighed and walked over towards her, he sat down on the couch next to her. Fiddling with his fingers as he tried to think of the best thing to say right now..

"I'm really sorry Y/n.. I didn't mean what I said at all.. I was just angry and upset, things just happened.. It was an accident.. If.. If I could go back and un do everything, I would. Please, Y/n.. Please you've got to forgive me.. I can't handle not seeing your beautiful face everyday.. I can't stand not hearing you laugh, or seeing you smile. I just can't handle not being with you." He spoke, looking over at her with sad puppy dog eyes.

Y/n didn't even glance over at him, her eyes were still glued to the television screen.

Mikey pouted softly, "Y/n please say something.." He pleaded.

Silence was all he got in return.

Mikey stood up and snatched the tv remote, he shut the tv off and tossed the remote onto the couch. "Y/n please! You can't ignore me forever!"

Y/n continued to stare at the blank screen, her expression blank as she stayed silent. She didn't know if she could handle speaking to him. What he had done to her had really really hurt her. She still had a faint bruise on her back from where he had shoved her into the corner of that wall. Not to mention the fact that her stomach was practically eating itself. She knew what she was doing was childish. But she couldn't help it. She didn't want to chance breaking down in tears in front of him. She want to see him cry. She didn't want to forgive him. And she knew there was a chance of her forgiving him if they continued down this path. So she kept her mouth glued shut.

Mikey couldn't take her silence. It was driving him crazy how much she could just sit there and stare at nothing looking so emotionless. He stared at her, waiting for her to say something, anything. But nothing happened. Why did she have to be so difficult? He sighed and looked down.

"Y/n.. I love you so much.. You mean the world to me.. Please.." He gave it one last chance..

"Just say something, anything.. Yell at me even! Please!" He studied her face, trying to find any bit of emotion or anything.


He found nothing..

Mikey felt his eyes water as his tears threatened to fall down his face. His lip began to quiver as he hung his head sadly. He trudged over to the window where he had come in and slid it open. He glanced at her one last time, praying for her to do something.

Little did Mikey know, Y/n had begun to cry, she didn't move one little bit, she just sat there, staring blankly at the empty screen as tears poured down her cheeks. Her heart was pounding in her chest, her bottom lip slowly began to tremble.

Mikey closed his eyes for a moment, his tears falling off his face and landing on the floor.

"I'm so sorry.." He whispered, turning around and moving out of the window he closed it after himself and left.

Y/n squeezed her eyes shut and placed a hand over her mouth to quiet her sobs. Just sitting there and watching him beg and cry made her feel like the worst person alive.

But then she remembered what he had done to her. He hurt her, physically, mentally. And that was something that she couldn't tolerate. She wiped at her eyes furiously, trying to get herself to stop crying as she snatched the remote up again and turned her show back on.

She grabbed one of her pillows and clutched it to her chest, as she tried to stop this pain from growing. She couldn't stand feeling this way anymore.. She just wanted this to pass..

She just wanted everything to go back to normal... 


Yay!! It's done!! This chapter sucks, i'm sorry.. I kinda like it, but I feel like some of my readers wont.. Seeing as it's a lot different from the last three Big Apology chapters. Though I still hope you enjoyed it! 

If you haven't read the little note thing above the chapter, I advise that you do so, it's kinda important. 


Anyways.. I'm so sorry that this took so long to get out!

Mikey: Yeah.. Took you years.. I've been waiting forever to read this damn chapter!!

Donnie: Well.. Technically it didn't take her years.. And you weren't really waiting forever.. 

Raph: Shut up Donnie! No one really gives a damn!

Leo: Can you guys keep it down? I'm trying to watch Space Heroes! 

Me: *sighs* Oh ma lord.. These guys are killing me.. Thank you all for being so patient and waiting and everything! You guys truly are the best!!

Casey: That you are! *winks* 

April: We all really appreciate your guy's patience. It's always really stressful for authors to try and get out chapters for their readers, especially when they already got a lot to do.. You guys rock! *smiles* 

Splinter: And do not worry, Rose is planning to keep this book alive for as long as she can. She's going to try and update it more frequently.. Though I wouldn't count on that.. 

Me: Haha, he's right.. I'm not the best at keeping those kinds of promises. Actually, they are all right.. You guys truly are the best, I love you all so much! Anyways.. I got to go! I only have a limited amount of time and I'm going to try and use it up the best I can! And like always~

All of us: Remember to staaaay BEAUTIFUL ma RAINBOWS! 

Me: Peace out! 

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