First Fight: Donatello (REQUEST)

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//Well it's been a while, I finally decided to continue to write, since i'm in a bit of a writing mood right now, so I turned on some music and sat my ass down and decided to just wing it. One of the reasons why I haven't updated is because I got writers block, but I finally got an idea so here it is. :D// 

WARNING: Swearing used!! 

Third Person POV: 

D/g sat on the edge of the dock, her sides heaved with each shaky breath she took, her lungs aching from how much she's been crying. Her mascara ran down her cheeks, smudged all over her face, as she looked at a picture in her hands of herself and Donnie. She sniffed and let out a shaky sob before ripping the piece in half, she took the picture and began to tear it into little tiny pieces before standing up and throwing them all into the water. She cried even more then she already had been and just stood there, watching the tiny pieces float away. 

"This is so unfair!" She shouted. 

-Flashback- (Your/readers pov) 

You love somebody so much that you don't see the bad in them, and when you finally realise it, it's too late, cause they break your heart before you can stop it from happening. 


It was our anniversary, our one year anniversary. I was so excited, I couldn't wait to see Donnie and celebrate with him, I had a few things in mind to plan, I even got him a gift. Everything was gonna be perfect, just perfect, he wasn't gonna see it coming. I wondered if he had anything planned, I wondered if he got me anything, I didn't care if he did, all I wanted was him. I grinned making my way to the park where I texted him to meet me, I arrived there only slightly late, I looked around, and it was empty, it was already 7:30, and it was getting slightly dark out. I frowned and thought he might of been running late as well, so I walked over and sat down on the swings. I began to push myself slightly, letting the wind blow against my skin with a small smile on my face. 

I sighed, "I hope everything is okay.." I spoke looking up at the sky, there was many clouds, I couldn't even see the stars, I had been waiting for three hours, I just thought maybe he was on patrol, something had to of come up. He would never stand me up.. Right? 

I sat there on the swings, staring at my phone, no texts, no missed calls, nothing. I sniffed and tried to stop myself from crying. This can't be happening.. Not today.. Please.. 

I decided to give him fifteen more minutes, it had to be worth it if he really was late. The park was already so dark, the clouds weren't making it any different, it looked like it was going to rain any moment now. 

I sighed and wiped the corner of my eyes, I picked up my phone and began to text Donnie, ten minutes later, still no reply. My lip began to quiver just slightly as I decided to call him, after about five times, he picked up. 

"Yeah? What's up?" He voice came over the other end, he sounded tired. 

"Hey.. Um.. Where are you?" I asked, taking a quick breath and looking around. 

"I just woke up, it's 2:00 in the morning, what's going on?" 

My heart broke slightly, he forgot? 

"I um.. Did you forget something?" 

".. I don't think so.." 

"You sure?" 

He thought for a moment, "Positive." 

I nodded, one of my tears falling down my face, so he forgot to meet me and out anniversary. 

𝐭𝐦𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now