Feelings for each other: Michelangelo {B)}

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Y/n P.O.V.

I was at the skate park doing a whole bunch of tricks. Here and there. But a special someone kept finding it's way into my head. Why was Mikey the most popular thing on my mind recently. I did a 360 and some other tricks. But Mikey was still on my mind. 

His orange mask and his baby blue eyes go perfectly together. Oh and his smile is so cute. 

I love his laugh... I love a lot of things about him... I was just about to do another trick when I flipped out and fell smack against the ground. I hit the back of my head and it made me really dizzy. My vision started to get really blurry and I had no idea why. 

I tried to stand but my knees gave away and I just fell back down. My head throbbing. I held my stomach feeling sick. Sitting on the ground rocking back and forth. But the same person never left my mind the whole time. Mikey. I thought about the good things about him. Like playing video games with him. And watching movies.

And then I thought about how I wish he was here. How he could be here to pick me up and take me home or something. I just wanted to see him. My head kept getting worse. My vision getting more and more blurry.

"What if this is it?" I whispered to myself. "Oh Mikey how I wish you were here right now." Again I kept whispering. 

My head now in so much pain I was crying. My vision going between being blurry to black then blurry again then black and back again. I was blacking out. I was sobbing in my hands. I felt sick like I was going to puke. 

"MIKEY!? HELP ME!" I screamed. Right then it begun. I threw up my dinner. "Uh... Mikey!" Then my head was in so much pain I wasn't just crying I was screaming. And I could no longer see a thing all I saw was black. And then I fell down. Sobbing on the ground. My eyes getting heavier. 

"Y/n!" I heard someone call my name as I felt the blood drip down my face. I realized right there I was in love with my Mikestar. I couldn't keep my eyes open. "Donnie help her!" "M-mikey...." And then I passed out. 

Mikey's P.O.V.

I was playing video games in the living room. But I kept losing. I kept thinking about Y/n. Why was I feeling this way? I thought, I thought I liked Renet.. But with Y/n it was different. With Renet it was just a crush. Something I could get over. But with Y/n It was more.. It was... Love... 

Yes I loved Y/n. And she was distracting me from wining. But what should I do? I have no idea. Just then Leo came into the room. He turned off the xbox 360 but I wasn't paying any attention. I was thinking about Y/n. 

The way her eyes beam with happiness when she beats me at a video game. He (H/l) (h/c) (Hair length and color) Her (E/c) eyes. Her smile and laugh. I started to chuckle. Leo must have noticed because he shook me. I snapped out of my fantasy land with a huge grin plastered on my face.

"Um.. Mikey you ok?" He asked. "Ya boy! I am awesome!" Leo rolled his eyes. "Oh Mikey.." I laughed again. Which made him chuckle. Right then and there we heard a big boom. But I wasn't really paying any attention. I was thinking about someone...

I remember the way she pouted at me when she lost a game to me. Or a game in general.

I chuckled softly. And no one heard. Leo was talking to Donnie who was in the other room. And Donnie left. I sat there for about 30 minutes before Donnie came back. He went into his lab and then came back running. 

"Leo there is a robbery going on at the bank.." He said. Leo sighed and Donnie got Raph. We got our weapons and head out. 

When we get there guess who is robbing... No other then the famous purple dragons. We jump down and approach them. "Hey look it's those turtle freaks..." One says. They all laugh. "Shouldn't be messing with us tonight..." Another says. They nod in agreement. "Ya well to bad for you because we are messing with you tonight.." Raph growls. 

I wasn't paying attention still thinking about Y/n. 

"Well aren't you guys uglier then ever..." Hun says as he approaches us. I thought one of my brothers were talking. "Ya.."  I said still not paying attention. This made the purple dragons laugh and my brothers stare at me for a few seconds before they attacked the purple dragons. 

Back and forth we fought not me really though. Occasionally yes but not a lot. Finally we were almost done beating up the dragons when one shot there gun and it hit my shoulder. I fell the ground before Raph could knock out the guy. My brothers ran over to me. 

"Mikey are you ok?" Donnie asked looking at my arm. I looked up to him and smiled partly still in my day dreams. "Yup could never be better.." I said smiling. My brothers thought I was drunk or something. 

"Ok Mike what's up?" Leo asked. "Oh nothing.." I replied. "Ya there is something because you just got shot and haven't been acting like yourself lately." Raph snapped. I stood up and chuckled. 

"I'll show you.." I said. Thinking that Y/n is usually at the park at this time. They shrugged as we left. Donnie bandaged up my arm as we approached the park. Just then I heard someone crying we all did. And there was screaming shortly afterwards. And the person was calling my name. I knew who it was. I ran down to the park to see Y/n on the ground blood oozing from her head and puke beside her. "Y/n!" I yelled running up to her. 

My brothers at my side. I could feel the tears coming down my face. I wanted to scream. "Donnie help her!" I begged. He ran towards us. "M-mikey.." I with that she passed out. I started to sob and Raph had to drag me away screaming as Donnie and Leo picked up my sweet Y/n. And hurried to the lair. I sobbed in my big brothers arms. Praying that Y/n would be ok. 

*Crying* I-I know I-I'm so c-cruel... Poor M-mikey... *Cries more*

The turtles: *Run in* Are you ok?

Me: Y-ya and n-no... 

Donnie: Are you hurt?

Me: *Shakes head still crying*

Raph: What's wrong?

Me: *Crys*

Leo: *Hugs me* It's going to be ok..

Mikey: Oh! *Takes out t-phone... starts to sniffle... Crys and runs up to me we hug crying together*

Raph: Oh great what did you write this time!

Leo: Ya I thought you were hurt or something...

Donnie: Ya really?!

Me: *Shows phone*

 Leo: *tears up a bit at his little bro crying and screaming* 

Me: S-see... I'm so m-mean I k-know... Bye P-peeps... see y-you next ch-chapter. 

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