Meeting the others: Michelangelo

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*Y/n*'s P.O.V.

I was playing video games in my room. I was playing Minecraft. I cheated by going on creative and getting all the things I needed and wanted and building a few things before going on survival. I gave a little scream when a creeper popped out of no where. 

I giggle before hitting it with my golden sword. "Die son of a turtle DIE!" I yell killing it. I laugh evilly as my phone buzzes. I look at the reminder I put on a certain time to remind me to get Mike a present. "Crap! I almost forgot!" I say saving my game and turning the xbox 360 off. 

I grab my backpack and runners and run out the door. I run down the steps and go onto the sidewalk. I run into a pizza store. "Hey *Y/n* just in time for your special order.." A guy says. I wave and give him a smile. "Thanks Sam." I say grabbing the pizza box from his hands. "So who's the lucky guy?" He asks smirking and raising an eye brow. I giggle at my older brother. 

"Just a friend... He's great don't worry about him... I only have a twenty." I say handing it to him. He smiles and shakes his head. "On the house baby sis." I smile and wave. "Got to go... I'll tell you how everything goes though." I say before leaving. "You better." He says before I leave. I chuckle as I put the pizza in my bag. Making sure it wont open. 

I then start to run again. "I need to find a better way to get around." I mumble to myself. I run into a store and buy two soda's a small box of chocolates. I fake candle with a light for the flame. And I buy frozen the movie. I smile to the clerck. She smiles back. "So who's the lucky guy or girl?" She asks. I blush a little. "His name in Mikey but I call him Mikestar... He's my boyfriend as you may tell... I just thought I should do something special for him." She nods before giving my the bag full of my stuff. 

I hand her the money and wave before leaving. "Happy Valentines day." I say. She smiles and waves back. "You to." She says. I run out of the store and go onto of a roof. I open my backpack and pull out the pizza and set it down. I then pull out a blanket and my laptop. I put my laptop on the blanket and put frozen in. 

I turn the candle on and place it in the middle with the chocolates soda's and pizza. I take my phone out and text Mike to meet me here. He replys almost at once. A few minutes later he arrives. I am behind him and put my hands over his eyes. "Guess who?" I say. He chuckles. "If it's not my gorgous girl I scream." He says. I giggle and uncover his eyes. He turns to face me. I plant a kiss on his cheek. 

He pulls out a single orange flower. I smile and kiss him again. He then put something around my neck. I look down at the crystal necklace around me. I smile to big and bright. I kiss him on the lips this time. It last a while. After the kiss. "Happy Valentines day M'Lady." He says. I blush. "You to Mikestar. I have something for you." I say. I cover his eyes and take him to the other side of the roof. I pull my hands away and he gleams with happyness at the sight of what I prepared for him. 

"Only my girl would do something this awesome for me." He says kissing my cheek as we both blush. we sit down as I open the pizza box. A heart shaped pizza layed inside. With the words I love you made out of peperoni. He blushes. 

"I also bought this." I say hitting the play button on the lap top. Playing the movie. He kisses my forehead. "Best day ever." He says. I smile. We eat cuddle and watch frozen for a long time. Then he gabs my hand and I look at him. 

"Wanna meet my brothers and father now?" He asked. I have been begging him to meet them. I beam with excitment and jump up. "Yes yes yes." I say. He laughs and so do I. We clean up and head down the fire escape and into the sewers. 

"You live in this smelly place." I giggle. Mike laughs. "It gets better." He says. I nod. We walk for a long time. Finally we arrive. I look around and see a girl and a turtle with a blue mask. "Leo?" I guess Mikey nods. They see us and smile me and Mike do to. "Hey Mikey... This is #Y/n# my girlfriend.." Leo says. She waves and Mike waves back. 

"Hi this is my girlfriend *Y/n*." Mike says. I wave as well as another turtle and girl walk in. I see the purple bandana. "Donnie?" I ask looking at Mike. He nods. I watch as they introduce themselves to #Y/n# and Leo. Then the girl and Donnie come towards me. I smile and wave. I decide to have some fun. "Hello rainbow cupcake! I am *Y/n* Mikestars gf. Gosh I love saying that." I say giving her a high five and a smile.  Mike blushes a little. 

She giggles. "Hello I am %Y/n% Donald the ducks gf." I say and she giggles as well. Mikey laughs. "Donald the duck that's a good one." He says giving her a high five. She giggles. Donnie blushes. "Hey only %Y/n% can call me that." He says playfully pouting. %Y/n% giggles again and we vioces. We turn around to see who I think is Raph and Leo and I guess there girls talking. There girls staring with shock at each other. I catch them saying something about them being sisters. 

A gaint rat walks in and I instantly think he is adorable. "What's going on?" He says and then %Y/n% faints. I hold back my laughter as Donnie picks her up and places her on the couch behind us. "Splinter?" I guess to Mikey as he nods. I sqeaul and run up to him hugging him. "Awe your so cute and soft!" I sqeaul. The others staring at me with shock... Even Mikey. 

I am laughing so hard right now! HA! OMG! Who thinks *Y/n* Is a cutie pie?! I do! 

Mikey: *Runs in room* CUTE CHAPPIE!

Me: *Laughs* I know right! Splinter will love this one. 

Leo: What did you do?

Raph: If it's something bad I can't wait to see what Splinter does to you.

Donnie: This can't be good. 

Casey: I'm with Raph... 

April: *sighs* Why don't you show him..

Me: *Jumps up and down* Great idea thanks April. 

All of us: *Goes into the dojo to see Splinters reaction*

Me: *Shows him phone*

Splinter: *Smiles and chuckles* Nice work... I really like the end... 

All others but me and Mike: *Jaws drop*

Leo: *Pulls out tphone* Awe.. 

Raph: *Sighs and does the same* 

Donnie and April and Casey share Dons phone to read*

Raph: Serouisly?


Splinter: May I make a request?

Me: *Nods*

Splinter: *Whispers something to me* 

Me: *Nods and chuckles* Nice one. 

Mikey: Ooh I got something... *Whispers* 

Me: Totally. Well got to go Peeps. The next chapies shall be fun fun fun! See ya!

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