Meeting the others: Leonardo

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Raphs Gf: $Y/n$

Mikey's Gf: *Y/n*

Leo's Gf: #Y/n# 

Don's Gf: %Y/n%

#Y/n#'s P.O.V.

I was sitting on my bed. Bored. I was editing some pictures on my camera. I love taking photos. I got bored again. So I went onto my phone and watched My little pony.... Again got bored. So I took out the Percy Jackson and the Olympians book. I started reading where I left off. After about five minutes there was a knock on my window. I didn't hear it though. I kept reading. I didn't knotice Leo open my window and come in. He smiled at me as I read my book. "Whatcha reading?" He says. I jump and throw my book at him. "Weo you scared me!" I yelled. He chuckled and picked up my book. "Percy Jackson and the Olympians. What is this?" I giggled. "You don't know!" He shakes his head and hands me my book. I sit up and he joins me on my bed. I move over and he sits beside me. 

He puts an arm around me. "You know the greek gods... Zeus, and them?" I say. He nods. "Well its about their kids... Which are called half bloods or demi gods." "Well that totally helped me know what the book was about.." He says sarcastically. I giggle and nudge him. "Percy Jackson is the mane character... He is the son of Poseidon." I say. He nods. I lean on him. "So why'd you come over?" I asked. He gasped. "Do you not want me?" He asks playfully. 

I giggle. "You know that's not what I mean't." "I know... Well I wanted to give you something." He says. I look up at him. I sit up and he pulls something from behind him. It's a blue rose and a box of chocolates. With a card. I take the card and read it. The front says Be mine. I open it and smile. It says...

Hey gorgeous, I have a poem... 

Roses are red violets are blue... 

God made us all beautiful... 

The one who's most beautiful is you... 

Love: Your fearless leader in blue... 

I giggle and kiss his nose. He chuckles. "Awe thanks Fearless in blue! Now I have a poem for you!" He cocks an eye brow. "Roses are red Leo is blue... I know im beautiful... what the hell happened to you..." I giggle as Leo chuckles and does a playful pout. I playfully roll my eyes and take the rose from him. I smell it and as he is in his world of whatever. I take the chocolates and run. He laughs and chases me. My parents are out so we run around the house for a while. 

I eat a chocolate in front of him. I put a longer one's end in my mouth and he grabs me. I squeal as he turns me to face him. He leans closer and takes the other end in his mouth biting it off. I laugh and eat my end. He smirks and leans closer. I do to and we kiss. He then takes the chocolates out of my hands and run. "Weo!" I yell and chase him. He laughs and jumps on my bed. I join him. We eat chocolates cuddling. The perfect Valentines day ever. "So... What do you wanna do?" I ask. He smirks evilly. "Do I really want to know?" I ask. He nods and gets up. I pout being not comfy any more. 

"Why don't we go meet my family!" He says. I shake my head. "Nope!" I say popping the p. He pouts. "Come on they wont bite please!" I shake my head. 

30 mins later. I am on Leo's back and he just jumps into the sewers. "Weo let go!" I say pounding my fists on his shell. "I love it how you call me Weo even when your upset.." He says. I pound harder. "Leonardo let me go!" He pouts. "You called me Leonardo.." I chuckle. He sighs. "Will you promise not to run?" He asks. "Fine.." I say. He lets me down and I run. He soon grabs my wrist. "Common #Y/n# please.." He says. I pout. "Fine!" He lets go and we walk for a little. "What's that!" I scream and point Leo looks. "I don't see- #Y/n#!" I run away laughing. Soon he catches up and grabs me pulling me into some place. 

"This is the lair..." He says. I nod. "Nice can you let me go?" He chuckles. "Your not fooling me love..." He says. I cock an eye brow. "You've never called me that before?" He laughs. "I just wanted to call you something special." He says. My heart melts. "Can you let me go now!" I ask. "Fine." He says. He puts me down. And I make a run for it. He tackles me and we roll on the ground. 

"Leonardo what are doing to that poor girl?!" A purple turtle yells running into the room. For what Leo has been telling me I think he is Donnie. Leo gets up and so do I. He is blushing. He opens his mouth to talk. "I-I... um.." I giggle. "Hello I am #Y/n#.... You must be Donatello I am Leo's girlfriend." I say. Making Leo blush more. Donnie smiles. "Hi it's nice to meet you!" I smile. "I really like the lair... And your kinda cute.." I say making Donnie blush. Leo gives Donnie a death stare. I chuckle at my over protective boyfriend. 

"I mean in a unicorn kinda way!" I giggle. Donnie relaxes. "Oh uh thanks..." He says. "You know Leo.. She kinda reminds me of Mikey.." Donnie says. Leo blushes. "I gotta go i'll be back in ten minutes.." Don says. I nod. "Where are the others?" Leo asks. "Raph and Mike I have no idea.. Master Splinter in the dojo meditating. " Donnie says before leaving. I take a deep breath. I mean meeting Leo's father is a big step. He puts a hand on my shoulder. "It will be fine." He says. I smile. We walk into the dojo. I see a giant rat meditating. My heart skips a few beats. I take deep breaths. His ears twitch a little. "Leonardo may I help you?" He asks not noticing me. "Um Sensei I want you to meet my girlfriend #Y/n#." He says. I've never seen Leo so nervous. The rat none as Master Splinter gets up and walks over to me. I smile. "Hello." I say. He smiles back I think. 

"Hello #Y/n#... I am Splinter... It is very nice to meet you." He says. After a while of talking me and Leo leave. A turtle with a orange bandanna  with a girl. Leo smiles and so do I. "Hey Mikey.. This is #Y/n# my girl friend.." He says. I smile and wave and so does he. "Hi this is my girlfriend *Y/n*." She waves as well. All of the sudden. Another turtle walks in. It's Donnie. And a girl. "Hi I am %Y/n% Donnie girl friend." She says. I wave and shake her hand. "#Y/n# Leo's girlfriend." She nods and turns to *Y/n*  Then I think who is Raph walks in. "Raph these are our girlfriends." Mikey exclaims. Raph looks around and we all wave. Then another girl walks in. I recognize her in a second.  And she does to. She freezes in front of me. We both stare at each other. 

"#Y/n#!" She says. "Hello $Y/n$." Leo and Raph  look at each other then at us. "You know each other!?" They say. I nod. "This is $Y/n$ my little sister..." I say staring at her. 

Dun dun dun! What's going to happen here. I put a little Valentine's special in these one so hope you like it! 

Leo: what did you write about this time?

Me: Go on your t-phone and read it for yourself! 

Leo: Fine I will. 

Mikey: Raccoon I love this new chapter you put up! But uh you left me on a cliffhanger. Why do you hate me!?

Me: Oh Mikey I know how you feel. But it gets the readers into wanting to read more.. Plus it fun! 

Mikey: Im going to have to wait to find out aren't I?

Me: yup! And so are all of you my peeps. See you next chapter. Oh I have a lot more to write. I am going to try and finish it today. Bye peeps!

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