Texting HIM: Raphael {XP}

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You were sitting on your bed bored out of your mind! Your ex Caleb kept trying to text you and you kept trying to ignore an block him! You had to go pee and when you were done and washing your hands you noticed weighting on your arm. As you went back to your room your remembered Raph.

Taking out your phone and putting in his number and adding him to your contacts you finally got the guts to text him.

(Y/n): Hey it's (Y/n) remember me??

Raph: nope doesn't ring a bell...

(y/n): you know the girl you "saved"

Raph: 🙀 I never thought you would admit it! 👹

(Y/n): ha ha whatever you what you up to?

Raph: trying not to punch my brothers!

You giggled to yourself.

(Y/n): lol well I'm bored anyways wanna hang?

Raph: sure

You told him were you lived and wen on you laptop. You were on YouTube watching stuff. You didn't notice Raph nocking on your window until he hit it hard. You jumped a but and opened the window.

"I thought you would never open up!" He laughed you did to. You went back to your laptop and clicked play. A funny part came up and you fell off your bed laughing. Raph chuckled to himself watching you trying to breath on the floor.

You wiped a few tears away and sat back down. "Whatcha watching?" Raph asked. "My little pony stuff..." You said he laughed. "You watch my little pony?" He was the one on the floor now laughing. You playfully pouted. " ima true brony at heart!" You smiled and then joined him laughing.  You tackled each other for a but then you forced him to watch with you.

"I still don't get how you like this..." He said chuckling. You giggled. "Because discord is bae!" You smiled. After hanging out with Raph all night talking watching things and whatever else.. You fell asleep on him. He would normally shove whoever did fall asleep on him but he didn't wanna wake you. He carefully layed you back down and left.

Omg! Who likes mlp Raph does! Thanks to meh!

Raph: whatcha up to?

Me: *hides phine* nothing just writing bout the one and only hot headed turtle who is a big softy and love mlp!

Raph: O.O I do not and I'm not soft!

Me: oh somebody cranky!

Raph: *sighs* you put in your story how I like mlp didn't you!

Me: maybe... Leo told me to!

Raph: LEO!

Me: *gigglrs^

Raph: I'll be back for you later...

Me: *goes into a giggle fit* oh Raph well goodbye and rose petals see ya soon! Next chapter soon!

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