When he asks you out/First kiss: Raphael

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Y/n was sitting on her bed thinking... If I really do like Raph.... Does he like me? It's sometimes really hard to find out if a guy likes you without asking. Sometimes he shows it in his actions.  But sometimes they don't. Raph is one who doesn't just like open up. Who doesn't show his feelings. 

Y/n sat on her bed in deep thought. After a while she got bored. She sighed and stood up. She walked back and forth. Then flopped on her bed. She took out her phone and scrolled through Instagram. Liked a few photos. And laughed at a lot of things. 

She scrolled through her contacts on her phone and saw her older sister. She clicked on her profile. She scrolled through her photos and laughed at a few. Then she found some nature ones. Her and her sister loved to take photo's of nature and things. Her sister had more camera's then her but she didn't mind. 

But... Ever scince they moved here... Everything's changed. Her sister acts different and Y/n barley see her anymore. She is always sneeking out of the house and stuff. 

I mean  I do too to see Raph... What's she doing? 

Y/n is a big fan of her sister. She looks up to her. Y/n thought of maybe snooping in her room, but before she could even get up her phone buzzed. It was from Raph her was wondering if they could hang out. Y/n smiled at the text then replied. She said yes and if her was coming her then they would go, or if she would meet him some where. He said he's on his way. 

Y/n started fussing on how she looked. She applied some make up on and stuff. And changed her outfit. Then there was a knock on her window. She thought it was Raph and unlocked it. She turned around to grabbed her phone when someone tripped her. 

She fell with a oomph. "Hey Raph, why'd you do that?" She asked puzzled looking up to see him. But it wasn't Raph. It was... Another MUTANT! Some weird lizard chick. 

{Oh I wounder who that could be??? I have NO Idea!  XD} 

"Who the shell are you and why are you here in my house? What do you want?" Y/n asked. The lizard smiled. "I am Mona Lisa.. Raphael's girlfriend!" Anger build up inside Y/n. She hated this ugly thing. 

"So!?" She snapped. "So get you filthy human hands off of him!" She spit. "I'm so sorry ok! I didn't know he had a girlfriend.. Maybe we could start over?" Y/n asked. Mona thought for a bit then nodded. She held out her hand and helped Y/n up. Then Y/n smirked and tripped Mona. "Oh I'm sorry... But I don't take orders from ugly, fat, pig headed, stupid, Mona Lisa's like yourself!" Y/n Spat. 

Mona gasped a little. "You are going to regret speaking to me like that! Wait till Raph hears that!" 

"Mona Lisa! ... What's going on here?" Raph asked entering Y/n's room and looking at Mona on the floor. "You girlfriend tripped me... She told me to stay away from you!" Y/n spat. Raphael looked at Mona. "Why would you do that?" He asked. "Raphael... Your my boyfriend... And seeing such a.... pretty... Girl and you hanging out kind of hurt and made me think of you wanting her instead of me..." Mona said. Raph started to blush like crazy.. Because that was true. He rubbed his head. Mona got so angrey you could tell just by looking at her. 

"It true!" She snapped. Raph blushed more... And Y/n started blushing to. "I-I... Ya... I'm so Mona... But... I-I like Y-Y/n more then you... I-It was a crush kind of thing... With Y/n its m-more..." He stammered. Y/n looked at Raph. "R-Really?" She asked. Raph nodded. 

"Mona were over... Y/n... Would you be my.... G-girlfriend?" Y/n smiled. Raph pulled out a single red rose. Y/n took it and smiled more. "Of corse..." She said and then kissed Raph and Raph well he kissed back. Mona was furious. She got up and went to slap Raph when Y/n punched her in the face. Making her nose bleed. She left in tears. 

"Only my girl would do something like that for me.." Raph smirked. Y/n laughed. 

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