First Fight: Michelangelo (REQUEST)

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WARNING: The video contains mature subject matter and coarse language! 

;(Third Person POV); 

M/g sat there, in the bathroom, leaned against the wall, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, and stared at the toilet, she slowly reached over at flushed it, tears cascading down her face as she let out a pained whimper. She cried and closed her eyes, tilting her head back and leaning it against the wall. 

Her chest and stomach ached, while her throat burned. She gasped for air, as more sobs ran through her. Tears flooding down her face like a water fall. His words lingered in her mind, she couldn't get them out. She cried even more and clutched her other hand to her chest in pain. It was bloody and bruised, along with her back. 

~Flashback~ M/g's pov;

I sat on the couch in the lair, the guys were on a patrol, and I was currently staying with them for the time being. I yawned, getting rather bored, as I scrolled through Instagram (or some other social media if you wish) on my phone. I hummed a random tune, completely bored out of my mind. 

I sighed and set my phone beside me, I looked around the room for something to do and spotted the tv remote, I smiled, and jumped up, bouncing over to the tv and grabbing it off the top. I smiled once again and turned on the power before going back to the couch and sitting down. I began to scroll through the channels to find something good on tv. 

It seemed like nothing good was on, I watched only a few episodes of a show that I actually enjoyed before all this crap came on, I grumbled under my breath, bored once again and hopped up off the couch, pacing back and forth for a minute, searching my brain for something else to do. I shrugged my shoulders when nothing came and walked into the kitchen, I looked around and finally walked up to the fridge and opened it. 

I looked inside and grabbed a box of pizza and some whipped cream. I tossed the box of pizza on the counter and took the cap off of the whipped cream, pressing on the tip and putting some into my mouth, I opened up the box and  grabbed a slice of pizza, taking a bite after swallowing the whipped cream, I finished off my snack in quiet as I opened up the two liter container of soda and took a sip before putting everything back into the fridge. I looked around, sitting on top of the counter, bored once again, and wanting something to do. 

After a while of thinking to myself I hopped off the counter and began walking around the lair in boredom. I hummed a random song that was stuck in my head as I walked around, trying to find something to do. I spotted the dojo and walked inside, looking around I took a few weapons off the walls to examine them. I put them back though, if they were dangerous enough to hurt me, since I didn't want to get into any trouble from Splinter, or the guys. I picked up a sort of staff like weapon and flung it around a bit until I wacked myself in the face and decided to finally put it away. 

I huffed in frustration and crossed my arms over my chest, I made my way out of the dojo and looked around again for something else to do. I spotted the guys rooms, and a few ideas came into my head.. Should I? Shouldn't I? Without another thought on the matter I opened up the door to the first room, it appeared to be Leo's. His was spotlessly clean, with nothing on the floor and the bed made. I smirked softly to myself, and jumped onto the bed, I jumped around for a bit till I slid off and looked at the few shelves on his walls. They held a few comics and DVD's, of Space Heroes sh*t of course. A few even had some action figures, some still in the box. 

After a while I decided Leo was like a boring old man trapped inside the body of a teenager and left his room, not before I messed up his bed, just to mess with him a little. I then made my way to Donnie's, which was next to Leo's. 

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