When he asks you out/First kiss: Leonardo

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They stared at each other for a while. Then Y/n snapped out of her thoughts. "Uh you wanna come in here oh fearless leader?" She says with a smirk. They both laugh. "Ya sure.." Leo hops into the room, while Y/n sits down in front of her bed. Leo joins her. "So... What do you wanna do?" Y/n asks. Leo blushes all of the sudden. What's going on with Leo? Is he blushing? Lets just pretend everything's ok... 

Y/n thinks. "Um.... I don't know..." Leo mumbles. This starts to worry Y/n. But she gets an idea. "How about we watch Space Heroes?" She says. He nods. Y/n gets up and turns on the tv. She then grabs the remote and sits back down next to Leo. 

He shifts uncomfortably. Y/n ignores it but she is starting to get more and more curios. Leo is barley watching tv at all. He is mostly staring at the ground sweating for some reason. 

Y/n notices this. "So uh Leo... Should I make some popcorn or something?" She asks. He nods still not looking up.  Y/n is starting to get a little annoyed by his behavior but trys to shrug it off as she  goes to make some popcorn. Leo  waits still she is gone before getting up. 

What am I gonna do? What if she doesn't like me? Flowers are good right? 

He thinks. He opens the window and jumps out. He returns in five minutes. And good thing Y/n wasn't there. He sits back down hiding something behind his back. Waiting for Y/n to return. 

About three minutes later Y/n comes in with a bowl of popcorn. A little bit of an annoyed look on her face but Leo thinks it's nothing. She sits back down and they watch tv together in silence. They both go to get some popcorn as their hands touch. 

Of course they both blush. But something that made Y/n very upset was when Leo quickly pulled his hand away. Y/n had enough. Something was up. 

"Ok that's it!" She snapped shutting the tv off. Leo looked at her confused did he do something wrong? "What do you m-mean?" He stuttered at the end and cursed at himself in his end for doing so. Y/n thought it was cute but she was also very very confused and upset. 

"Look Leo... What's up with you? Your acting all weird.... " She just kept blabbing. "I mean normally I would totally thinks it's adorable when you stutter and stuff... But your blushing like crazy! And are really quiet... Did I do something wrong? Because it kinda hurt me when you pulled your hand away.." Then Leo pulled out a single blue lilly from behind him. 

"Y/n... You did nothing wrong... It was just me.... I-I um.... Er... Well... W-wanted to ask you o-out... so um.. Here it is... Y/n... Would you make me the happiest turtle ever and... Be my girlfriend?" He was blushing so much... Y/n thought it was great. She felt bad for being mad at him. 

She started to blush a little twirling her hair with her fingers. She helped Leo up and took the flower. She smelled it,  it was lovely. She looked into his big blue eyes.  And she kissed him on the lips. He kissed back snaking his arms around her. And she put hers around his neck. 

They both broke apart after 10 seconds. Leo blushing like crazy a smirk then appeared on his face. "So what's the answer?" He asked still smirking. "Well it's definatly not a no." Y/n giggled.       "You think I'm cute when I stutter?" He says looking into her e/c eyes. She blushes like crazy at his comment remembering what she said. "Shut up Weo! Or no kisses for you!" She teases. He makes a playful pout before they continue watching tv. 

Oh my gosh! so so so so sos so so sos so CUTE! Who thinks that chapter was cute? I do! Anyways... I hope you enjoyed this, I know lots of people might have been waiting for them and their turtle to get together and kiss! I know I have. I love writing about the guys and you! 

Leo: This one was about me right?

Me: Yup... And you just asked out some girl! 

Leo: You mean you don't even know who?!

Me: Leo its like a role play... It could be anyone...

Raph: *Chuckles* Leo got it bad... Or should I say good?

Mikey: *laughs* Ya boy!

Donnie: Sorry Leo for once I am going to have to agree with Mikey and Raph, just this once. 

Leo: >:(

Me: You know I'm doing this to all of you right? YOU guys already confessed your feelings for each other... O.O

Guys: O///.///O 

Leo: Ha ha look who gots it bad or should I say good this time! *Laughs*

Me: Well before they kill each other I-

All 4: *Fighting in the background*

Me: *Sighs* Going to so kill them... Bye my peeps see you next chapter! 

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