Mating season: Donatello

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D/g's pov: 

I wanted to throw my arms around him, to kiss him for him to hold me. But he just left me, for three whole weeks, and I knew nothing of what was going on and still don't. Yes, I will forgive him, maybe. But how can he expect me to do that to him after what they did. I stay where I am and wait for the others to leave before looking at Donnie, he goes to walk forward and I raise my hand to stop him. "You have five minutes." I say as sternly as possible, seeing as I just wanna break down. 

"D/g I am really really sorry, I had no other choice but not to see you for three weeks." He starts. "Explain." I say. He takes a seep breath. "D/g it was mating season, and you know kind of how that works. I didn't want something to happen we would regret. Or something and I just couldn't take that chance. So me and the others agreed for our phones to be taken away and not to see you so that wouldn't happen. I really am sorry, this broke my heart not to see you not to hear your voice and hold you close to me. But I had to protect you." Hearing this made my heart melt, and a few tears fall. "Donnie, I had no idea.... Im really sorry." I ran over to him and hugged him. 

He held onto me tightly. "Don't be, you had every right to be mad at me. The least I could have done was told you. And I didn't. Mostly because I was embarrassed. And I am truly sorry." He mumbles a few tears of his own falling. I pull back and wipe his tears away. "I forgive you." I say softly. We both smile and he leans down and places his lips on mine. "I missed this." He mumbles against my lips. 

I giggle and he lifts me up and places me on the counter. I wrap my legs around him and we kiss like this, my hands on his chest, and his on my thighs. Our tongues fighting for dominance. After we pull apart both blushing and out of breath. "I love you." We say at the same time making us chuckle. We lean our foreheads on each others. "Promise me something?" I ask, he nods. "What?" "Promise me that next time you'll tell me something like this. You dont have to be embarrassed in front of me." He smiles. "I promise." 

Awe this one was soo cute! 

Donnie: What was cute? 

Me: Oh just this chapter I dedicated to Marie. Your welcome Marie, I hope you like this one. 

Marie: *Blushes after reading* Thanks... 

Donnie: *Cocks an eyebrow and reads it, blushing* 

Mikey: *Runs in* Marie your back! *Tackles* 

Marie: *Laughs* Yes I am. 

Mikey: *Gets off* Ooh, did you make a new chapter? 

Me: Yes I did. 

Mikey: *Reads it and chuckles* Ooh. Marie and-

Marie: *Shoots him a glare* 

Mikey: Never mind. *Smiles sheepishly before running out the room* 

Me, D, and M: *Laughs* 

Me and Marie: Staaaay BEAUTIFUL ma RAINBOWS! 

Me: Peace out! 

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