When he plays with your hair: Donatello

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%Y/n%'s P.O.V.

After a while of watching the sisters talk and fight me and Donald the duck got bored. So we decided to go introduce me to his father. Of coarse I was nervous... This is a big step in a relationship. But I did really want to meet him. 

We started walking towards the dojo were Splinter would be meditating. And I might have shown a little nervousness because Donnie asked me this. "You alright?" I look at him and smile. "Yes and no." I say. Donnie face palms making me laugh. 

"What?" I ask. "Splinter does that to me all the time.. I never understand it." He says. "We'll I am nervous but happy and excited to. Lots of thoughts are racing through my head good and bad ones. Does that make it a little more clear?" Donnie nods. "What kind of bad thoughts?" 

"Well... I know it's stupid but... What if he doesn't like me? What if he wants us to break up because your to innocent to love?" "Me innocent?" "Yes... Well to me anyways.." I say kissing his cheek. 

"Like you said it is a little stupid to worry about those things... Master Splinter is a great Sensei and father.. I'm sure he'll love you." Donnie says giving me a toothy smile. 

I giggle smiling. "Alright I trust you." I say. 

We head into the dojo and I see Splinters ears twitch ever so slightly. "Come in my son... And sons girl.." He says. I take a deep breath before walking fully into the dojo with Donnie at my side. 

Donnie's P.O.V.

I took a breath and so did %Y/n% as we walked into the dojo. "Sit." Sensei said opening his eyes. 

"It's nice to meet you Splinter... Donnie has told me many great things about you." %Y/n% says. Splinter nods. "He hasn't said much about you.. In fact this is the first time I found out any of my sons had a girl of their dreams." He says. Donnie blushes. "I wonder why that is... Donnie dear.... Why haven't you told your ever so loving father about us sooner?" Splinter and %Y/n% give me that look. 

"Well... I.... uh... Just... Never really found anytime... And it kinda slipped.. My mind..?" I say. %Y/n% and Splinter start to look at each other before bursting into laughing fits. 

"Sssspht. Hahahahahahahahahahah..... You... should.... Of... Seen... Your... face..." "Hahahahahah... Priceless... my son.." I just blushed. 

"Ha ha... Ya very funny... Anyways Sensei this is %Y/n% my girlfriend.." I say. Sensei and my girl stop laughing and shake hands. "Nice to meet you." "Likewise." 

After a while of talking Mike and his girl wanted to introduce themselves so me and %Y/n% said goodbye to Sensei and left the dojo. 

"You dad is awesome! He's so funny." She exclaimed. I nod. "He is pretty great isn't he.." I showed her my lab and decided to do some more experiments. After a while I heard snoring.. But it was quiet and soft. I looked beside me and saw %Y/n% passed out. 

I give a slight chuckle before accidentally spilling the wrong liquid with another one. And then it was to late... 


It exploded. Poor %Y/n% woke with a fright. And fell off her chair. She sighed at me before standing up and tapping her foot on the ground. I started chuckle but then it became a laugh. "What?" She asks before feeling her hair. Which it all spiked up. 

She sighs. "Real mature Don real mature." 

I stop laughing and sit her down. I run my hands through her hair. She leans back and smiles. "Thanks Donnie bear." She says. I smile. "Your welcome." I say before I know shes passed out. I wet her hair and put it in a braided bun. And when he wakes up she smiles and kisses me on the lips. "Thanks Donnie.. Its great!" She says. 

Sorry it is so short! Lost ideas... :\ 

Donnie: You bet you did. This was my chappie and its short.. :P

Me: Sorry Don... Like I said I didn't have much ideas for this one... 

Donnie: Nah it's ok... I just wanted to hear you say sorry again. 

Me: *glares and throws pillow at him* 

Donnie: *Catches pillow* Watch it princess. 

Me: O.O

Donnie: O.O

Me: Did you just call me...?

Donnie: Apparently...? 

Me: O///.///O 

Donnie: O///.///O

Leo,Mikey,Raph:*Laughing and rolling on the floor*

MeandDonnie: *Glares*

Leo,Mikey,andRaph: Run!

DonnieandMe: *Chases* 

Me: Bye peeps see you next chappie! *Yells while running* 

𝐭𝐦𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now