Night skies and city dates: Leo (REQUEST)

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//Hey guys! This is my first request from CandaceJackson6 well I hope you all enjoy it, even if it won't be your request yet. XD But i'm working on them. Thank you for the request(s) and I hope you have a great day/night!//

Third Person POV:

Candace was walking at central park late at night, she loved going on long walks to just calm herself down, or just for the fun of it. She sighed a little, moving some hair out of her face as the wind whipped passed her. She crossed her arms over her chest in hopes of staying warm, she had no want to leave quite yet though. The sky was illuminated with stars before, but it began to look like it was going to rain. The sky filled with dark clouds, and Candace sighed, not wanting to leave the calming park yet. But she knew she should, so without another thought she began to walk away from the park and back to her place. She looked around as she did so, planning on taking her time. But as the time passed by, she began to feel like she was being watched. She looked around carefully, her eyes scanning for anything or anyone that could be watching her. But she saw nothing, nobody. All that was there was her, which was strange. Even though it was the evening, there had to be someone out, yet there was nothing. Candace felt her heart pick up it's speed, as her legs went on autopilot as she quickened her pace. Her arms remained crossed over her chest, as she continued to walk through the empty streets of New York City. 

She turned a corner and as she did so, saw many figures on a building rooftop in front of her. Candace frowned, and turned once again, this time running. She longed to just be home, safe and sound. But she figured that might not be the case tonight. 

Why did you have to go out so late?!

She screamed at herself in her head, as she looked back, seeing the figures chasing her. Fear consumed Candace as she ran faster, faster than ever before. She moved her arms as they fell down to her side, moving back and forward with her as she ran. She would occasionally look back to see if they were still there, which they were. 

She turned another corner, skidding slightly on her heels. She began to run again and turned yet another corner, only too see it was a dead end. Candace looked around in fear, hoping there was some way out, she didn't even know where she was. She looked up at the buildings, hoping there was a fire escape she could climb. But that wasn't the case, as some figures jumped down behind her. She screamed and backed away, to the entrance of the alley, when more figures jumped there too. They seemed to be some kind of ninjas, wearing black suits with masks. A red foot print placed on their chests. 

Candace felt her stomach turn and her heart pick up it's speed. Thumping against her chest in fear. 

"P-Please.." She begged, "Let me go.." But the ninja's didn't seem to hear her, that or they ignored her plea. Without warning, they grabbed her and attacked. She screamed and cried as they threw her into the wall behind her. She fell to the ground with a loud 'thud'. Feeling some warm sticky liquid crawl down her face. Blood. Her vision became blurry as the last thing she saw, was a van, and a giant mutant tiger, approach her. Black spots clouded her vision, and before long, she was out cold. 


Leo, Raph, and Mikey were in the living room, watching a movie while Donnie was in his lab. Rose aka Raccoon walked up to them, handing them a bowl of yummy popcorn. 

"So what movie are we watching?" Leo asked, smiling over at the crate in front of them. 

"It's Rose's turn to pick!" Mikey exclaimed, looking over at her. Raph and Leo exchanged worried glances. 

"No." They both said in unison as the famous Disney's Moana, was pulled out from behind her back. 

"Moana!" Both her and Mikey exclaimed in unison. 

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