The Big Apology - Donatello (REQUEST)

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//this gif is even worse than the raph one, but I liked it for some odd reason, so here it is! Plus let's just go over the fact that I said I was gonna try and update this book once a week, two weeks in I already fail.. XD Oops.. I swear it's not my intention, I always say i'm going to stick to something like some plan and it always backfires.. XP Anyways, I know I'm a bitch, this is long overdue, I will get onto the chapter.. Sorry if it sucks though, I don't know what to write, so this may be shorter and pathetic. But.. That's okay..? Enjoy this horrible chapter. :D ps. thumbs up for sad music, which is what i'm listening to while writing this, I need inspiration!! ^-^//

Third Person POV: 

1 & 1/2 months later~

Y/n looked up at the clock in her kitchen, a long breath slipped passed her lips as she rubbed her temples. Closing her eyes for a moment, the only sound she could hear was the ticking of the clock. She opened her eyes once again and placed her palms on the wooden kitchen table. Pushing herself up, she sucked in a shaky breath and walked over to the front door of her house/apartment (A/n: Whichever one you want). She grabbed her sweater that was hanging on the wall by the door, and slipped it on. She stuffed her feet into her shoes and opened up the front door, stepping outside into the cool crisp night air. 

Y/n glanced up at the sky for a moment, stuffing her hands into the pockets on her sweater. Her heart ached, she bit her lower lip softly and began to walk down the sidewalk. Her gaze was glued to her feet, her mind drifting off to the one person she didn't want to think about. 

She felt her lower lip tremble slightly just at the thought. Why did she even have to think about him? She couldn't help it. All she wanted was to forget about the stupid incident, but she couldn't. It stuck around. 

Y/n wondered if Donnie was with April right now, cuddling on some couch to stay out of the cold. Or maybe she was sitting in his lap in the lab. The images coursing through her brain made her blood boil. Her hands tightened into fists. She shook her head slightly and tried to rid the disgusting images from her mind. 

She continued to walk around, until she got to a small park. No one usually came here, which is what she was thankful for. She wanted to be alone right now, she needed to be alone. 

This time away from him was good.. Though it hurt so much. She sat down on a wooden park bench, her gaze trapped on the sky. Y/n breathed on her hands and rubbed them together softly. 

She wanted the pain to go away, she just wanted it all to go away. Why did she have to fall in love with the stupid turtle anyways? Why did she let herself feel something for him, when their relationship was a wreck from the start? When she knew there was a little chance of them surviving as a couple together from the beginning? When there was so little hope. 

Hope. She hated the word. In fact, she hated a lot of words. She was just glad she hadn't bumped into him so far. She knew she would loose it if she saw him. She needed the time away, and he was smart enough to know not to come looking for her anytime soon. 

Or so she thought.. 

As if on cue, her eyes locked on the towering figure above her. She couldn't see him too well, but she knew it was him. She couldn't read his face.. Her heart began to thump in her chest, it beat so fast it almost hurt. Her hands gripped the bottom of her sweater, holding on so tightly her knuckles turned white. Her breath caught in her throat, and her palms became sweaty. For a moment she just sat there, looking up at him, but then realisation came crashing down as her gaze hardened. 

𝐭𝐦𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now