Meeting HIM: Michelangelo {B)}

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You were at the skate park watching kids do moves. You sat down wanting to skateboard yourself but you couldn't because one you didn't know how and two you didn't have a board. You herd noise come from the alley. You got up and sneaked over to it. "Ow!" You herd you walked closer. "Um are you ok?" You asked. "Uh ya fine... Just uh fell..." A male voice said. "Let me help you..?" You said.

"NO! It's ok I got it!" You saw someone in the dark alley try to get up but fail. "Ouch!" You herd.

" Please let me help you..." You said. The person hesitated for a moment. "Promise not to run away or scream?" He asked. "Promise..." You said. You peered behind a dumpster to see a big talking turtle. You smiles at him.

"So you wont scream or run?" He asked shocked you hand't already. You shook your head. "What hurts?" You asked he pointed to his wrist.

"I was skate boarding on the roof when... I saw... A squirrel and I fell off the roof. And landed on my wrist." He said. You looked at it. It was swollen and probably sprained. It had black and blue bruises. You pulled a tenser bandage out of your backpack and wrapped his wrist. "Do you have ice back were you live?" You asked he nodded. "Good then you should probably put some on when you can..." You said with a smile.

"Oh how rude of me I am (Y/n) and you are?" You say. He shakes your hand. "I am Michelangelo but you can call me Mikey..." He said. You nodded. "So what do you like to do besides skate board." You asked. "I like pizza and playing video games a lot... I also like movies..." He said. "OMG! So do I!" You said. "Really?" Mikey's face lit up. You nodded. "Have you ever played piano tiles 4?" You asked. He shook his head. "OMG I have it on my phone here I'll show you it then you can try with your good hand!" You smiled.

You and Mikey played video games ate some chips which you had in your bag. And watched movies all night. It was 2:00 am. "Mikey I need to go home now... I bet so do you... Here have my number and text me some time ok? We can hang out later ok?" You said Mikey nodded and walked you home.

Sorry it is so short but AWWWWW! I promise to make longer ones in the future and there will probably be part 2's and 3's of things so ya!

Mikey: This one was about me right?

Me: Yup you like?

Mikey: Yasss! I finished reading the others to!

Me: Aww my number one fan!

Mikey: You betcha. Hey can I have a signature? *smirks*

Me: Aw Mikester always! *draws on his arm* Well bye peeps for now!

Mikey: ya Bye!

Both of us: BOOYAKASHA!

𝐭𝐦𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now