Seonghwa - Jealous ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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"Hyung, can Y/n come over today?" San asked in a whiny tone, while looking towards the older male.

Seonghwa looked up from his laptop, staring the lanky figure sprawled out on the couch. "No, why should she? Shes my girlfriend not yours, so dont ask for her." He said, his tone sharp as knifes, but dangerously calm.

"No, shes coming. I just texted her." Yeosang blurts, showing his phone messages, that have Y/n pulled up with her agreement to come over to the dorm.

Seonghwas eyes snap towards Yeosang, then to his phone, and back to Yeosang, "Why are yo-"

"You know she was my best friend before she was your girlfriend, hyung!" Yeosang teases, sticking his tongue out at Seonghwa, knowing how much he irritated him.

Oh how Yeosang loved to irritate Seonghwa.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Y/n had got a text from Yeosang, demanding she come to their dorm, with snacks. The text literally said, Bring snacks or I'll change the locks on you.

So, grabbing a couple bucks, Y/n headed to the corner store, bought eight different snacks, and something for her, then drove off to meet the boys.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Walking through the door, I was immediately attacked by Mingi, San, and Yunho. "Wheres my snack?" Jongho asked, taking the bags from me and going through them with Mingi in the kitchen, Yunho following behind them like a lost puppy.

"Hello to you guys too, I guess." I shrugged, shaking my head at their childish behavior. I spot Seonghwa out of the corner of my eye, I smile towards him, going to walk over, but suddenly get pulled away.

Yeosang appears in front of me, his long black hair falling messily around his eyes, giving him a soft look, "Seonghwa hyung can wait, hang out with me!" He says, giving me a pout that he knows i cant resist. I squint my eyes at him, but agree.

"Wait! I need to do something first!" I pull my wrist out of Yeosangs grip, then run over to Seonghwa. "Hi!" I greet, smiling down at him.

He looks up and chuckles, "You're so weird."

I throw my hands up, "I just said hi!"

Closing his laptop, he pulls me closer towards him by the waist, "Exactly, you're my girlfriend, hug me, or kiss me, dont tell me hi!" Even though my ears turn red, i laugh and lean down, pecking his lips quickly, "Happy?" I ask, sarcastic teasing playing in my voice. He shrugs and runs his thumb against the back of my hand, "For now."

I roll my eyes at him, and walk back to Yeosang. "Ew, you guys are so gross." He mutters, cringing away from me.

I reach out and flick his forehead, which he winces at, "Hey, you wanted me here, so dont try and get away!" I scolded, following him as he tries to get away from me.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Seonghwa sat on the counter island ledge, his face set in a hard glare, onto nothing particular. It had been over two hours that his girlfriend had arrived, and since then, she has been stuck with Yeosang, playing games, skating, getting on Seonghwas nerves just the same, and ultimately making him feel jealous.

Dont get him wrong, Seonghwa was glad that Y/n was there, he was always happy to see her, he just wished she wasnt with Yeosang.

He peeked over to the two, almost loosing it at the sight of the other male whispering something to her, making her blush dark red. "Thats it." He mumbled, jumping off the counter, going straight for Y/n. He pulls her away from Yeosang, then drags her towards his room, thanking god Hongjoong was at the company.

"Hey, what was that fo-"

Not letting her finish her sentence, Seonghwa pushes Y/n up against the back of the door, leaning his mouth down next to her ear, "You're my girlfriend." He declared, his voice low and warning like, lips ghosting over her ear.

Y/n was speechless, she could only stare back at him, as his dark orbs stared into hers, even then, she could barely keep contact with him. "Have i said I wasn't?" She breathes out, putting her hands up on his shoulders.

Seonghwa brings his hands up to her wrists, a pout suddenly forming on his lips, the glare he once held softened. "No, but you've been with Yeosang this whole time!" He whines, dropping his head in between Y/n neck and shoulders.

"What the fuck!" Y/n lets out, taking aback by his duality change, "Reason number one to not date an idol: fucking duality!" Y/n continues to voice her thoughts, leaving Seonghwa whiney and wanting her attention.

"Y/n! Pay attention to me, for once!" He pouted, taking her hand and pulling her onto his bed with him. Laying her down first, he covered her with the duvet, knowing how easily she gets cold, then lays his head on her stomach, draping his arms around her waist.

Y/n chuckled, and ran her fingers through his dyed locks. "Youre going to give me a heaty attack, one day." Seonghwa giggles, rolling over with his chin on Y/ns stomach, smiling up at her.

He lifts himself up, giving his lover a gentle and sweet kiss, then pulling away, resting on her chest, "I love you."

Scoffing lightly, Y/n pecks the crown of his forehead, before repeating back to him, "I love you too, Hwa."

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now