─◌✰್ - Yunho as a Boyfriend👾

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👾 clingiest mother fucker ever

👾 no seriously this giant over grown puppy is never letting you out of his arms

👾 demands that you give him back hugs at least 2x every five minutes

👾 dates are always crashed by mingi, but neither of you two mind, since you've all been friends since their debut

👾 when you arent with yunho you would usually be around the dorms, hanging out with Mingi

👾 loves to tease you about your height, if youre 6-8inches shorter than him

👾 if youre taller/as tall then he will literally act like youre five feet and he would call you cutie

👾 turn on a horror movie and you're going to have to be the one protecting him

👾 teaches you their choreography when you are at KQ with him, which only goes two ways; 1) you end up nailing it or 2) you end tripping over your own feet

👾 would take you on innocent dates like amusement parks or the movies

👾 pouty when you dont pay attention to him

👾 his hugs, oh my god, its literally like getting hugged by a koala

👾 after a long day at practice, he drags you to the bedroom, not matter what youre doing, and cuddles with you; his head on your chest, with your fingers running through his hair, and he eventually, and unintentionally, falls asleep

👾 when you've had a bad day he turns into an agressive pup, willing to do anything to see you smile again, which isnt hard because its him. takes you for ice cream or walks around the streets with you at night to clear your head

👾 you don't even have to steal his hoodies from him, he just gives them to you, even suggesting which one to wear, oh my god theyre so big on you

👾 would repeatedly tell you how hes the luckiest person in the world for meeting you then he would ruffle your hair

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now