San - Kids ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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A/n: feels rushed tbh☹️

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"San, do you want to go with me to my brother's house? He said him and Miyeon need a babysitter." I asked over the phone, already knowing he would agree if he had a free schedule. "Yes! I was just about to call you to go over to your house. I'm so bored with nothing to do over here." I laugh at his response and finish stuffing clothes in a small backpack. "Okay, I'll be around in twenty." We both said bye before hanging up, and just as I was about to throw my phone on my bed, it rang.

The contact that popped up was San's so of course I answered it, but it was a face time call, and on the screen were three familiar faces, none of them being San.


"HI! Remember you still owe me popcorn?!"


I sat on my bed and laughed at what was happening on the other side of the screen. "Oh my God, aren't you guys a ray of sunshine? Hi guys!" I greeted them, once the screen had stopped shaking and they said they ran away from San. "Jongho I do not owe you popcorn, San ate it so he owes you." I watched his face fall in disbelief before he got up and ran after San. "What are you and San up to? He got off the phone very smiley, and about to pack. Going somewhere?" Wooyoung asked, his eyebrows wiggling very suggestively.

"Babysitting toddlers." I stated, changing to a serious mood, almost breaking character when the two boys look bored out of their minds. "WHY CAN'T WE MEET THEM?!" They simultaneously shouted. "Wow, glad I didn't have my earbuds in." I muttered, "Okay, I have to finish packing, and Sans creeping up behind you guys, so try not to get caught. Throw the phone." I whispered the last part before hanging up, the last thing being captured on screen was their faces as they turned around and saw San leaping toward them.

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"Bye guys!! Have a fun three days, but not too much fun I don't want to have 4 nephews, might not mind it too much if it was a girl." You wave from the front porch and watched as your brother flicke you off when Miyeons back is turned.

You go back inside the house to see San already with Jin on his lap, while Hyunbin and Jaemin were coloring on the coffee table in front of them. Jin was 2 years old and the baby, Hyunbin was 4, and Jaemin was the oldest at 5 1/2.

"Hyunbin, want to help me make lunch?" You asked the boy, knowing how much of a helper he was. "Yes ma'am!" He eagerly nodded his head and set his crayons down, before pointing at Jaemin, "Dont touch my colors." Jaemin just rolled his eyes and shook his head.

You put Hyunbin on the counter where he "cut" vegetables up with plastic knives and then mixed them all together. "Y/n, can I taste it?" He asked, once he saw you mix the vegetables into the food. You pretended to think for a little while, then turned off the stove and covered the pan so the heat wouldn't get out. "Of course you can, just let it cool off. Now," You walked to the fridge and took out two of his juice pouches, "how about we reward ourselves with some juice? But don't tell San or your brothers we drank these without them." Hyunbin giggled and took a juice from your hands and nodded his head.

You checked the food once more and scooped some out for you and Hyunbin to try. He gave you a thumbs-up and smiled while sipping his juice. "Jaemin? Can you set the table?" You called out, making San give you a shushing gesture, before pointing to the toddler asleep over his shoulder. Jaemin got up and ran to the step stool near the cabinets and took out dishes and silverware and began to set everything up. You left Hyunbin sipping his juice with Jaemin in the kitchen for a quick second so you could sneakily snap a photo of the two adorable boys on the couch. "How cute." You told him, walking over and ruffling Jin's hair. "You can go lay him down in his crib. There's a baby monitor in there so don't worry about leaving him." San nodded and took Jin upstairs.

San came back down and joined Hyunbin and Jaemin at the table, making sure they washed their hands and sat right at the table. Then, you and San served them food before serving your own plates.

"Are we watching a movie, tonight?" San asked Hyunbin, who nodded his head. "Can we make a blanket fort and sleep in it?" Jaemin suggested, a hopeful smile on his face as he looked at San and not you, knowing San would give in before you would. "We should make it in front of the tv so we can watch the movie from there and bring popcorn and candy." San tells Jaemin, his eyes lighting up just like the kids.

Once everyone's plates were cleaned, Jaemin eagerly grabbed the dishes and set them in the dishwasher, and pulled San into the guest room that had the biggest tv. "BLANKET FORT!!" The three boys cheered together, loud thumps and shouts being heard from the room as you went to check on Jin.

Thirty minutes later, San, Hyunbin, Jaemin and you were laying on blankets and pillows on the floor while Spiderman played on the tv. Jin had woken up and was in a clingy mood so he started glued to your chest, San was obviously very jealous that Jin didn't take to him, but got over it when Jaemin and Hyunbin started cuddling with him.

San looked over, both how hands holding a boy's hand, to you with the baby on your chest. He couldn't wait to have kids with you, knowing this was how he hoped to be with you in a couple years.

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now