─◌✰್ - San as a Boyfriend 🏔

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🏔 very clingy

🏔 loves to cuddle, especially after long practices or performances

🏔 constantly trying to help you around the house but ultimately getting in the way and dancing around to music

🏔sings you to sleep when you have insomnia

🏔 randomly sings whenever

🏔shy at first, but once he warms up to you, he will act like you two are a married couple

🏔 cuddle/movie nights with shiber are a weekly thing

🏔 does not like to leave you when he has to go on tours

🏔when you have a bad day he would give you space, for literally only an hour or two, but while you two are seperated he would go out and buy your favorite food, snacks, movies, and games, then come back and have a fun night with you.

🏔 whispering "i love you" randomly whenever you two are together

🏔 pda is a must, he does not care whos watching he wants people to know you're his and he's yours

🏔 dates in the park are literally like you're babysitting a toddler

🏔going with him on music video sets, and performances to compliment him and see how shy and flustered he gets in front of the staffs and his members

🏔literally so hyper sometimes

🏔isn't afraid to be super clingy in front of fans or at social events he may take you too, once youre revealed to the media of course

🏔 has to fight atinys because they try to steal you from him, since they love you so much

🏔 would go live on VLIVE to do a dance tutorial video only to use you as a student and teach you the choreo

🏔 you bring him and the members lunches when they have practices that run a little late

🏔 you do his stage makeup sometimes

🏔 your best friend is Jongho

🏔 goodbye kisses are your guys' thing cant forget the goodbye kiss

🏔 ended up forgetting the goodbye kiss which made him run through a security check point at the airpoint to kiss you goodbye

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now