─◌✰್ - Yeosang as a Boyfriend🖤

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🖤 shy bean

🖤 will refuse to even touch you if he senses the slightest hint that you dont want him to

🖤 holds your hand

🖤 calls you darling

🖤 once you two get more comfortable into your relationship (about 6 months) he will hug and kiss you whenever

🖤 in the middle of arguements (usually childish ones that arent serious at all) he will interrupt you to kiss your cheek or peck your lips, "Sorry, you looked cute."

🖤 cafe dates

🖤 sings you to sleep when you have trouble falling asleep yourself

🖤 shy for affection in front of his members, but holding his hand or leaning your head on his shoudler was something he didnt mind

🖤 you constantly telling him his beauty/birthmarks were beautiful

🖤 you literally had to hide all his makeup and yours, even telling his stylist not to give him any, so he could show his beautiful face, but when he was insecure you caved in and gave him his makeup back

🖤 arguing over whos more beautiful

🖤 this argument always ends with the members throwing something at the two of you, "We get it! Youre both beautiful creatures and freaks of nature, stop yelling at each other!"

🖤 helps you when youre stressed out

🖤 cooking classes with seonghwa happen every Thursday night because why not?

🖤 when you're having a bad day, he'll make you forget about everything and have fun for the whole day, taking you to amusement parks, street shows, restaurants, anywhere you wanted to go. after you were feeling better, he would get you to open up to him, only if you wanted to, of course

🖤 makes playlist for you

🖤 prays under his breath whenever you buy one of their albums so you will get his photocards

🖤 tells you all of ateez' secrets; like seriously no member is safe from him

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now