Yeosang - Flirt ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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A/n: I'm craving a pizza right now😭 it's like 5am idk what this
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Kang Yeosang was a flirt, but he only flirted and teased you. It was charming at first, but after a well developed crush, you started to think he was just shoving it in your face.

"Come on Y/n, it's a mistletoe! You're supposed to kiss me." Yeosang said with a smirk tugging at his lips. He stood at the doorway outside of your dorm. The building his dorm was in was only across the street from your building. It also didn't help that you shared the same group of friends so he was constantly around or with you.

"Yeah, Y/n, it's kind of a tradition." Jongho said in a teasing voice, him knowing all too well how his friend felt about you. "Oh you and tradition can go shove it. It's the middle of the year, nowhere near Christmas time." You told the younger boy, sitting on the couch armrest, across from Yeosang to get away from his flirtatious comments.

You guys were gathered in the dorm common room so you could have your weekly game night. Tonight, since the campus announced there would be no classes for two days, you all decided to play a drinking game. Well, like an adult version of truth or dare. You'd have to take a shot if you wanted to get out of answering or doing a truth or dare. "Wooyoung! Truth or dare?" San slurs out, having had already taken five shots. "Dare!" Wooyoung calls out, the alcohol clearly getting to him as he stands up bravely, making a weird face of confidence. "I dare you to spin around five times and try to make it out the door." He laughs, because almost immediately Wooyoung attempts to spin but falls flat on the ground. "Yeosang!" Wooyoung, on the ground, calls out, "I dare you to stop being a wussy." He says before Yeosang can even pick between truth or dare. Soon, the other boys are cheering along with Wooyoung, "How is he being a wuss?" Your roommate and best friend, Subin asks, running a hand through her red hair, while trying not to spill her coke.

Yeosang throws an empty plastic shot glass at Wooyoung before he could answer, then sighs, "I'm taking a shot." Mingi's voice could be heard yelling out Wuss! while the alcohol goes down Yeosangs throat.

If you were being honest, you and Yeosang were probably the most sober people left, since you didn't pass up any truth or dare questioned asked of you. You two reveled in that.

"Are you drunk?" Yeosang asked you, moving closer to you; you now sat on the floor near the coffee table that sat all your shot glasses and different alcohols. You shook your head and held out your hand to prove your point, he laughed when your hand was steady. "Do you have food? I'm craving pizza or tacos right now." It was your turn to laugh and you stood up and led him to the dorms kitchen, where in the fridge was pizza from last nights shenanigans. Yeosang doesn't even heat it up, he just eats it cold, which amuses you. "Oh my god, I hope I don't have a hangover tomorrow, I didn't even drink that much." You told him, lifting yourself up on the counter top and eating your cold pizza like Yeosang.

"Hey, can I get that kiss now?" Yeosang asked, half joking as he pulls up a picture of a mistletoe on his phone and dangles it above the two of you. It must've been the liquid courage you had, or the fact that Yeosang looked undeniably cute with the drunk flush he has to his face, but you grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him towards you till he was between your legs, your slices of cold pizza were long forgotten as you smashed your lips against his. It was brief; only lasting as fast as it started, but Yeosang was still shell shocked as he stood in front of you, seemingly frozen.

"If you haven't figured it out yet, I like you Kang Yeosang." You told him, jumping off the counter away from him and grabbing another slice of pizza and a water bottle from the fridge. "Well, clean up your friends, I'm going to sleep. And if that little excuse of a kiss bothered you that much, call me tomorrow. Preferably after 1pm."

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now